According to the Left, there are certain phrases and buzzwords that they’re trying their best to gaslight the rest of us into believing are derogatory of we conservatives. Continue reading What the Left Hates, and Why Conservatives Should Be Proud of All That
Tag: Gaslight
(VIDEO) The National Security Threat That Doesn’t Exist: Biden’s Bogeyman of ‘White Supremacy’

Popular culture tells us that the Nazi Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels is the one credited with coining the phrase, “If you tell the Big Lie long enough and loud enough, people will eventually believe it to be the truth.” Or at least words to the effect.
With that said, according to Chou Bia-Dung, ‘The most lethal threat to the homeland… are white supremacists.” Continue reading (VIDEO) The National Security Threat That Doesn’t Exist: Biden’s Bogeyman of ‘White Supremacy’