Busted: The Myth that Gaza is an ‘Open Air Prison’

Build that wall! Build that wall! The wall between Gaza and Egypt, that is. Does this mean that Egypt is an apartheid state?

Suffice it to say I’m not in the habit of using the Google search engine. But I guess if you want to point out the smell of hypocrisy, you have to take a whiff of the outhouse. Continue reading Busted: The Myth that Gaza is an ‘Open Air Prison’

(VIDEO) Al-Jazeera Cuts Interview Short After Gazan Slams Hamas for ‘HIDING’ in the Hospital

Don’t you love it when the truth accidentally slips out? I know I do. Especially when the actual truth slips out when a hyper-hard-core West-hating allegedly “straight news” organization sees their narrative blow-up right in their faces. Continue reading (VIDEO) Al-Jazeera Cuts Interview Short After Gazan Slams Hamas for ‘HIDING’ in the Hospital

There is NO Moral Equivalency; Not Once Since the Founding of Israel Have they Unilaterally Attacked Innocent Arabs

Bedouin Muslims as well as Circassians and Druze still openly serve in the IDF.

As usual, someone will accuse me of defending fellow Jews. Just for the record, I’m not Jewish either ethnically or religiously. Continue reading There is NO Moral Equivalency; Not Once Since the Founding of Israel Have they Unilaterally Attacked Innocent Arabs

WARNING – Video of Palestinians Shot by Hamas for Fleeing South

While millions across the globe have screamed for a ceasefire that would benefit only the Hamas terrorist organization, the same drones have conveniently forgotten that a ceasefire was already in place. That is until Hamas purposefully broke it on Oct. 7. Continue reading WARNING – Video of Palestinians Shot by Hamas for Fleeing South