Difference Between Acknowledgement and Acceptance: Yet Again, Francis Sows Division and Confusion Among the Faithful #NotMyPope Seen by more than a few Catholics as at least a willing participant and in the spiritual state of sententia haeresi proxima (an opinion approaching heresy), Francis is at it again. Continue reading Difference Between Acknowledgement and Acceptance: Yet Again, Francis Sows Division and Confusion Among the Faithful
This is How and Why the Homosexual Community is Pushing More and More People Away From Them The difference between acceptance and approval… Remember back in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s when the sodomites ever-so-politely asked of normal Americans to just “live and let live,” to just accept their particular so-called “lifestyle” as normal? Continue reading This is How and Why the Homosexual Community is Pushing More and More People Away From Them