“We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.”
“From the halls of California, to the shores of Manhattan, we will tax your family’s income, taking ev’ry cent we can…”
If the above ditty sounds like the Marines’ Hymn, you’re right. And why not? After all, the bureaucrats tasked with legal extortion (AKA: “Personal income tax“), now have more manpower than the best light infantry the world has known since the days of the Roman Legions.
By now, everyone is aware that the so-called Inflation Reduction Act has just cleared the House of Representatives. A whopping $700 billion out of thin air. But what has me curious is to the wherefores and the whys of half of this amount is heading to the IRS.
Putting that to the side, I believe that the American people should be aware that with the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS will be a larger entity than the United States Marine Corps.
Don’t believe me? Not a problem. Let’s look at some facts.
As reported by CBS News from just a few short months ago… well before the Inflation Reduction Act (and new 87,000 IRS employees was ever thought of). Emphasis mine;
Since about 82,000 workers were employed at the IRS in fiscal year 2021, an increase of 10,000 employees within two years would represent a significant boost to the agency’s workforce. It could also return the agency to its 2010 level of about 94,000 employees.
Simple math tells us that with the addition of another 87,000 IRS employees to the estimation of 94,000 puts us at a total of 181,000.
The Marine Corps begins a major restructuring to develop capabilities forgreat power conflict after two decades of conducting counterinsurgency ashore. The budget cuts units and personnel to pay for these new capabilities. However, many commentators worry that the restructuring will make the Marine Corps too narrowly focused.
To pay for this, the Marine Corps’ active-duty end strength begins a decline to about 172,000, the level before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One need not be a rocket surgeon to see that the IRS will have 9,000 more than the entire active-duty Marine Corps.
Speaking of the nearly doubling of the size of the IRS, remember Biden’s promise to NEVER increase the taxes of those pulling in over $400,000? I sure do.
OK, so how many people actually make more than $400K? It must be a rather sizable chunk of the population if the federal government is going to increase the IRS manpower pool by nearly 100 percent, right?
After all, the Inflation Reduction Act is supposed to pull in billions upon billions of dollars in extra revenue.
Back to the question at hand – is one-third of the population making over $400,000? One would think that at least one-fourth of us are making that kind of dough.
Well, not so much. Even according to the liberal-friendly MoneyNing.com cites (emphasis mine);
“These high-income earners are really rare. Consider the fact that most articles listing the highest paying jobs in America don’t even include any professions with median salaries of $400,000. Those individuals making $400,000 per year are in the top one percent…”
If anyone is stupid enough to believe that an IRS that outnumbers the USMC will only go after the very top one percent, then you deserve to have jack-booted thugs raiding your home.
While I’m on the topic of thugs, check out the video below.
I’ll wager that both the Mafia and the Mexican drug cartels are envious of the Democrat Party money laundering scheme.