Classless Pigs; Bidens Purposefully Ignores Hunter’s Illegitimate Daughter, No Christmas Stocking

For whatever bizarre reason, the Biden administration has just kicked-in the most restrictive travel ban yet due to the latest version of the COVID-19 virus; the dreaded Omicron variant. Continue reading Still Think it’s About a Virus? Biden Tightens Travel Ban Due to ‘Mild’ Omicron Variant
Snowflake-ism on steroids…
#FJB #ArrestFauci #VeteransDay #LetsGoBrandon
#FJB #LGB #LetsGoBrandon
As everyone is already aware of, the chant of “Let’s Go Brandon” is thanks to NBC reporter Kelli Stavast’s coverage of a NASCAR event held about a month ago while interviewing race winner Brandon Brown. Continue reading Liberal Media: ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Now Considered Hate Speech
#FJB #FartGate #EmptyShelvesJoe #PoopiePantsJoe
Step off, Kardashians. The Brits have “famous for being famous” down pat and have so for centuries. Continue reading (VIDEO) #FJB Busts Out a Impressive, Majestic Fart; HRH Cammie ‘Hasn’t Stopped Talking About It’
One of the few things that make can make a display of arrogance worse than it already is would be that arrogance when it’s coupled with blatant stupidity is far worse. Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden’s Sec. of Energy Laughs at Your Pain (at the Pump)
#FJB #ArrestFauci #LetsGoBrandon
#FJB #LetsGoBrandon #PoopyPantsBiden #YouGottaBeShittingMe