So, the US Navy is promoting Lisa Marie Franchetti to be the newest Chief of Naval Operations. And yeah, I’ve got a problem with that. Continue reading Navy’s Official Den Mother: What Has She Actually DONE During her Navy Career?
So, the US Navy is promoting Lisa Marie Franchetti to be the newest Chief of Naval Operations. And yeah, I’ve got a problem with that. Continue reading Navy’s Official Den Mother: What Has She Actually DONE During her Navy Career?
These guys are in-charge of two things, “Jack” and “Shit”… and Jack just left town.
I’ve posted about this before, and much like a stalker ex-girlfriend, this gigantic pain in the ass keeps showing up. Sadly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are again all in the headlines. Continue reading Chairman Joint Chiefs Claims Climate Change is ‘Serious Threat’ to US: So What? Little Known FACTS Regarding JCS