(VIDEO) Racial Slurs: The Spectacular Crash and Burn of Nury Martinez, First Latina President of the Los Angeles City Council

With a slow but steady rise in her California political career, hard-core leftist Democrat Nury Martinez is now seeing that same political career circling the bowl.
As it turns, Martinez was popped for saying some mighty unkind things of black people in general, and fellow council member and renown homosexual advocate Mike Bonin’s adopted black son.
Martinez has just “resigned as president of the Los Angeles City Council 24 hours after a leaked audio recording revealed her and Councilman Kevin de León making racist comments” as reported by KABC of Los Angeles.
Also noted by KABC (emphasis mine);

Nury Martinez has resigned as president of the Los Angeles City Council 24 hours after a leaked audio recording revealed her and Councilman Kevin de León making racist comments.

Among other comments, Martinez belittled Bonin, who is white and has a black son, and criticized the child for his behavior at a Martin Luther King Day parade, saying Bonin’s son was misbehaving on a float, which might have tipped over if she and the other women on the float didn’t step in to “parent this kid.”

“They’re raising him like a little white kid,” Martinez said. “I was like, this kid needs a beatdown. Let me take him around the corner and then I’ll bring him back.”‘

Martinez also called the child “ese changuito,” Spanish for “that little monkey.”

De León also criticized Bonin. “Mike Bonin won’t f—–g ever say peep about Latinos. He’ll never say a f—–g word about us,” he said.

Also cited by KNBC, also of Los Angeles (emphasis mine);

Martinez also took aim at Los Angeles County District George Gascón in profane terms, after the group appeared to discuss whether Gascón would endorse Cedillo in his re-election campaign against Eunessis Hernandez.

F— that guy. (inaudible)… He’s with the Blacks,” she said of Gascón.

At another point, Martinez recalled a conversation with businessman Danny Bakewell about possibly transferring Los Angeles International Airport out of Bonin’s council district and into that of Councilman Marqueece Harris-Dawson. The council president said she told Bakewell to “go get the airport from his little brother — that little bitch Bonin.”

Not to be outdone, the Los Angeles Times noted (emphasis mine);

Martinez said she explained to another councilmember that if [Councilman Mark] Ridley-Thomas were to be suspended, City Controller Ron Galperin would decide whether he still gets paid.

“You need to go talk to that white guy,” she says. “It’s not us. It’s the white members on this council that will motherf— you in a heartbeat.”