Before he spoke up in the aftermath of the now-famed Dublin Riots, the words and phrases I would have used to described Conor McGregor would have been; Continue reading (VIDEO) UCF Fighter Conor McGregor Dropping Hints he May Run for Irish Presidency
Tag: President
Trump Wins AGAIN; Insurrection… What Insurrection?
No matter how badly the Deep State wants to see Pres. Trump behind bars, à la Third-World dictatorship, it just ain’t gonna happen. Continue reading Trump Wins AGAIN; Insurrection… What Insurrection?
(VIDEO) Does Argentina’s President-Elect Out-Trump Trump? ‘I Will Not Apologize for Having a Penis’
It’s been said that the definition of Argentinian is in actuality an Italian who speaks Spanish, but acts like Frenchman who secretly wishes he was English. Continue reading (VIDEO) Does Argentina’s President-Elect Out-Trump Trump? ‘I Will Not Apologize for Having a Penis’
Fox News Republican Debate; The Numbers are In and It Doesn’t Look Good for FNC
Oh, yeah… Trump won the GOP so-called “debate” last night, even though he was nearly 1,000 miles driving distance away from Milwaukee. Continue reading Fox News Republican Debate; The Numbers are In and It Doesn’t Look Good for FNC
(VIDEO) Hard-Core Libertarian Running for Guatemala’s Presidency

She may have the look of an international super-model, but don’t let looks mislead you.
While it’s fairly obvious that Gloria Álvarez, 38, won the genetic lottery, she’s also one of the leading anti-leftist voices throughout Latin America.
So much so, she’s announced her candidacy for the presidency of her home country of Guatemala. Continue reading (VIDEO) Hard-Core Libertarian Running for Guatemala’s Presidency
(VIDEO) Why a Hard-Core, ‘Murica-Loving Conservative Nationalist is Leery of Ron DeSantis

Just to make things clear, I’m not a Ron DeSantis hater. Personally, I really admire the job he’s done keeping the state of my birth free, safe and prosperous.
Doubly so when we keep in mind what a disconnected, out of touch, aggressive Stasi-like central government we have in DC. Continue reading (VIDEO) Why a Hard-Core, ‘Murica-Loving Conservative Nationalist is Leery of Ron DeSantis