(VIDEOS) Dear Media and Politicians, Please Turn Down the Ukraine Panic-Mongering

Ukrainian troops on review.

Is Anthony Fauci in charge of counting the noses of all the Russian troops massing at the Ukrainian border? All I hear now is that 100,000 Russians are ready to invade.

But just a few short weeks ago, the number was 175,000. Well, I guess the only real question is if all those mean Russkies are wearing one mask or two? Continue reading (VIDEOS) Dear Media and Politicians, Please Turn Down the Ukraine Panic-Mongering

(VIDEO) America Creeps Towards its Own ‘Bloody Sunday’ Massacre

Notice the marchers carrying a portrait of Tsar Nicholas II?

Seriously, folks… I’d like you to let me know if you see parallels between the patriots of 1905’s St Petersburg, Russia, and present-day patriots here in the United States. Continue reading (VIDEO) America Creeps Towards its Own ‘Bloody Sunday’ Massacre

Gutless Eric Bolling: Brags He ‘Won’t Lose a Wink of Sleep’ if Russia Invades Ukraine; China Invades Taiwan

First things first… I already have a war under my belt, and I have the campaign ribbons to prove it. So if anyone wants to hammer me for not serving, better luck next time. Continue reading Gutless Eric Bolling: Brags He ‘Won’t Lose a Wink of Sleep’ if Russia Invades Ukraine; China Invades Taiwan

(VIDEO) Ukraine vs Russia: Moscow Masses 175,000 Troops Against Kiev’s 1.245 Million Troops

Ukranian troops on parade.

By now, just about everyone is already aware that the Russians already have as many as 175,000 troops on the border with Ukraine. Continue reading (VIDEO) Ukraine vs Russia: Moscow Masses 175,000 Troops Against Kiev’s 1.245 Million Troops

(VIDEO) Michigan: Whopping 34 People Turn Out for Sleepy Joe; Mumbles and Fumbles when Asked More than One Question

Wait a sec… you mean to tell us this guy received 81 million votes?

Who you gonna believe… the Establishment Media and the Lefticrats illegibly occupying the Oval Office or your lying eyes? Continue reading (VIDEO) Michigan: Whopping 34 People Turn Out for Sleepy Joe; Mumbles and Fumbles when Asked More than One Question