First things first. As a boy, I was a helluva San Francisco-Oakland-Daly City-San Jose-San Diego-Golden State Warriors fan.
Tag: Transgendered
(VIDEO) Men Stealing what Women Fought For; Riley Gains Attacked, Assaulted at SFSU

Remember back in the 60s and 70s when women fought so hard for Title IX and to ensure it was enforced? For those whose history is a bit on the fuzzy side, Title IX essentially ruled that women’s collegiate sports should also be on par with men’s sports.
But along came the 21st Century. Specifically, the second decade of this particular century.
This is the era of masculine menstruation and feminine ferocity. For whatever bizarre reason, men need tampons, women need to have their perfectly healthy breasts hacked off.

I swear… if I could ask a couple of questions to those who consider this as “normal,” they would be:
- Do you consider delusions to be a sign of mental illness?
- If a loved one were ever diagnosed as psychotic, would you trust a psychiatric medical doctor who advised that same loved one that the voices in his head were normal and natural, and that he should do whatever the voices tell him to do?
Anyhow, former NCAA swimmer Riley Gains is defending women involved in women’s sports.
She’s even decided to plead her case in the one place in America where open discourse is always welcome; the world of academia.
No… wait.
Here’s what happened to Gains at San Francisco State University.
Fired: Arizona’s Fake Governor’s Press Sec Posts Shocking Pic After Nashville Shooting
As shocking as it may seem, Katie Hobbs’ press secretary for Arizona’s fraudulent governor, Josselyn Berry, has posted quite the stunning meme in the wake of the Nashville Shooting. Continue reading Fired: Arizona’s Fake Governor’s Press Sec Posts Shocking Pic After Nashville Shooting
(VIDEO) Joy Reid, Pro-Trans Panel Angry that ‘Non-Binary’ Shooter Pretending to be Someone He’s Not

The hypocrisy is nothing short of world class. Between Joy Reid’s stealing Teutonic culture via her blonde wig, or “Doctor” David Johns of the National Black Justice Coalition (he has a PhD in… wait for it, sociology), the faux outrage was just over the top.
Johns gaily finger-snapping at the end of ‘Drag Queen Story Hour NYC’ singing to the kiddies, “The hair on the drag queen goes up, up, up…” was particularly vomit-worthy.
Continue reading (VIDEO) Joy Reid, Pro-Trans Panel Angry that ‘Non-Binary’ Shooter Pretending to be Someone He’s Not
(VIDEO) Irreversible Gender Surgery: Major Medical Associations Ask Biden’s Badged Thugs to ‘Investigate and Prosecute’ Parents, Journalists

As disturbing as it sounds, it’s true. The scary thing is this; I can see the DoJ actually following through with this garbage. Continue reading (VIDEO) Irreversible Gender Surgery: Major Medical Associations Ask Biden’s Badged Thugs to ‘Investigate and Prosecute’ Parents, Journalists
Spanish News Site Publishes Unverified TRANS Photos of Texas Killer

It’s already a fact that 18-year-old Salvador Ramos as killed or wounded dozens of people in his sickening murder spree in the small hamlet of Uvalde, Texas. Continue reading Spanish News Site Publishes Unverified TRANS Photos of Texas Killer
Punishment? Of Course Not; NC Trans Activist Medical Student BRAGS of Purposefully Injuring Patient

In what be at least one of the more brazen illustrations of how certain so-called “Trans activists” consider themselves literally above the rules, if not completely untouchable. Continue reading Punishment? Of Course Not; NC Trans Activist Medical Student BRAGS of Purposefully Injuring Patient
(VIDEO) When the Absurd Becomes the ‘New Normal’

Based on little less than he wears a woman’s swimsuit, he’s a she?
As the poet Dante Alighieri passed through the Gates of Hell, he saw the Latin inscription above, Spem Deponite, Qui Huc Intratis (Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here). Continue reading (VIDEO) When the Absurd Becomes the ‘New Normal’
(VIDEO) Ukrainian ‘Transgendered’ Dude Denied Permission to Flee, Must Stay and Fight

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *choke cough* BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *gag snort* BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *wheeze chortle* BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *hack gasp*. Continue reading (VIDEO) Ukrainian ‘Transgendered’ Dude Denied Permission to Flee, Must Stay and Fight
New Olympic Rules: Farce in 1976 is Now Fact in 2021
Can a “trans-woman” ever be diagnosed with cervical cancer? Nope. Can a “trans-woman” ever be diagnosed with prostate cancer? Yep…
Remember the old days when National Lampoon was simply a magazine, and as far as gender identification is concerned, one was born with either outdoor or indoor plumbing? Continue reading New Olympic Rules: Farce in 1976 is Now Fact in 2021