(VIDEOS) Questions Unasked: Tucker Carlson’s FLOP Interview with Vladimir Putin

I’ve made it clear that I’m no fan of Tucker Carlson, although I’ve have made it clear that I fully support Carlson’s right to interview anyone he damn well pleases.

I still support that view. But I’m still no fan of Carlson. Continue reading (VIDEOS) Questions Unasked: Tucker Carlson’s FLOP Interview with Vladimir Putin

Report: Tucker Carlson on ‘Ukrainian Kill List’ – Real or Rubbish?

First things first; I’m not exactly a big fan of Tucker Carlson. I agree with a lot, but disagree with him on enough topics that would qualify me as decidedly not a fan.

Besides… that fake, disingenuous, high-pitched squeal of his is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Continue reading Report: Tucker Carlson on ‘Ukrainian Kill List’ – Real or Rubbish?

Russian Deadly Kiddie Sing-A-Long: ‘If Our Chief Commander Calls Us Up for the Last Battle,’ Vows to ‘Bring Alaska Back Home’

Anna Kuvychko leads the маленькие дети in a rousing chorus of “Дядя Вова, мы с тобой” (“Uncle Vova [Vladimir], We Are With You).
The name Anna Kuvychko may not be a household name here in the West, but in Mother Russia, she’s kind of a big deal.

Not since the days of Baradolf Obaler have we seen kids so programmed by The State. Continue reading Russian Deadly Kiddie Sing-A-Long: ‘If Our Chief Commander Calls Us Up for the Last Battle,’ Vows to ‘Bring Alaska Back Home’

(VIDEO) Sen. Coons (D-DE) Discusses Sending US Troops to Ukraine Despite None of His Own Kids Serve in the Military

Just as long as none of his kids go…

How interesting. So, the junior Chicken Hawk from the Nothing State is discussing American troops being sent into combat against the Russians. Continue reading (VIDEO) Sen. Coons (D-DE) Discusses Sending US Troops to Ukraine Despite None of His Own Kids Serve in the Military

(VIDEO) Russians Threaten Sweden w/ NUCLEAR Armed Attack Aircraft

Russian SU-27 Flanker fighter aircraft.

Technically, the Russian Federation is already in a state of war with the Kingdom of Sweden. Continue reading (VIDEO) Russians Threaten Sweden w/ NUCLEAR Armed Attack Aircraft

Report: Putin Recruiting Syrian Mercenaries with ‘Skill in Urban Combat’

Syrian soldier bowing to Mecca.

Anything short of putting out a press release verifying that 2+2=4, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of the Biden Administration. Ever.

But in all fairness, I trust the Putin government about as far as I could throw them.

Continue reading Report: Putin Recruiting Syrian Mercenaries with ‘Skill in Urban Combat’

(VIDEO) Putin Unleashes Muslim Fundamentalist Chechens on Ukraine; Ukrainian Troops Dip AK Rounds in Pig Grease

Muslim fundamentalist Chechen thugs fight for Putin (note the Russian flag arm patches).

Everything old is new again. Russian President Vladimir Putin certainly is using the same bullshit reasons for his 2008 invasion of the ex-Soviet, but now the independent nation of Georgia (see trailer at end of article for “5 Days of War“. Continue reading (VIDEO) Putin Unleashes Muslim Fundamentalist Chechens on Ukraine; Ukrainian Troops Dip AK Rounds in Pig Grease

(VIDEO) Demolishing the Pro-Putin Kooks; Russia Now Threatens Invasion of Finland and Sweden if They Join NATO

Russia today, everything old is new again.

The pro-Putin kooks are out in full-force pushing the patently stupid proposition that the Russian ex-KGB Lt. Col. is somehow the savior of the world for allegedly taking-out “bio-warfare labs” supposedly in Ukraine. Continue reading (VIDEO) Demolishing the Pro-Putin Kooks; Russia Now Threatens Invasion of Finland and Sweden if They Join NATO

(VIDEO) Breaking the Myth That Conservatives Support Putin’s Naked Aggression in Ukraine

I’ve seen it, you’ve seen it, we’ve all seen it… the video clip from the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton podcast in which Pres. Donald Trump plainly stated that Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine was “genius” and “savvy.” Continue reading (VIDEO) Breaking the Myth That Conservatives Support Putin’s Naked Aggression in Ukraine

(VIDEO) When Asked if He ‘Underestimated Putin’, Biden Sits Silently, Stares, Smiles, Picks at His Teeth

It’s not funny anymore. It’s not even mildly amusing. There’s really something seriously wrong with this guy. Continue reading (VIDEO) When Asked if He ‘Underestimated Putin’, Biden Sits Silently, Stares, Smiles, Picks at His Teeth