So much for that whole XIII Amendment thingee… Continue reading VIDEO – Biden Commutes Sentence of Literal Child Slaver
So much for that whole XIII Amendment thingee… Continue reading VIDEO – Biden Commutes Sentence of Literal Child Slaver
Berlin – I count at least 24 Syrian flags. No women, no children… but an awful lot of military age males. Continue reading VIDEO – 1.3 MILLION So-Called ‘Migrants’ from a Nation Whose IQ Score is ‘Below Average’
Sen. Lara Trump? Works for me… Continue reading VIDEO – Lara Trump Resigning from RNC; Next Senator from Florida?
Be ready for four-years of pouting and bullshit… Continue reading VIDEO – Leftie Media in (Yet Another) Trump Melt-Down; Trump Hires ‘J6 Insurrectionist’
What would you say is the greater threat to the average black citizen in New York City; a Klansman on horseback, or another black guy with a hot pistol?
Continue reading (VIDEO) Daniel Penny Case: BLM of NY Calling for ‘Vigilante Justice’
Continue reading (VIDEO) Daniel Penny Case: BLM Calling for ‘Vigilante Justice’
Show of hands… how many of you hate our bloated federal bureaucracy? OK, all of you. Continue reading No Wonder Nothing Ever Gets Done in DC – Just How Deep is the Deep State?
As stunning as it may seem, the Establishment Media isn’t floating the names of just Anthony Fauci, Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff as the only ones who may get presidential pardons. Continue reading Take a Wild Guess Who Else May Get Another Biden Pardon?
Ebenezer “Slow Joe” Scrooge.
When did the Old Age Home stop giving haircuts? And by Old Age Home, I mean the White House. Continue reading (VIDEO) The Ghost of Hair-Plugs Past; Joe’s Hair Transplant Gone Wild
One small step for a lady. One giant leap for the LPGA… Continue reading (VIDEO) Chromosomes Matter – LPGA Makes a Common Sense Call