United Nations Bows to Taliban Demand that Women are Banned from Human Rights Meetings

The above headline isn’t from the Babylon Bee nor from The Onion. Sadly, this is really happening.

Proving that facts are sometimes more absurd than sarcasm, it’s true that the UN is giving in to the Taliban demand when it comes to the upcoming UN-Afghanistan (Taliban) conference on… wait for it… human rights.

As noted by the good folks at the up-and-coming conservative-leaning news source The Publica, UN representatives will be holding discussions in Doha, Qatar, scheduled for the end of this month.

Please keep in mind that the United States historically foots the bill for upwards of one-fourth of the UN’s operating expenses. These upcoming talks between the UN and the Taliban are essentially little more than the American taxpayer seeing more of our tax dollars ending up in the bloodied hands of the same guys that funded, trained and protected Usama bin Laden.

But back to the topic at hand, here’s some of report from ThePublica.com;

The United Nations has buckled to Taliban demands to ensure that no Afghan women are present during an upcoming meeting between special envoys and Taliban representatives in Doha. The Islamic militants have also demanded women’s rights issues be struck off from discussion completely.

The Taliban has prohibited women from working, going to school, or showing their faces in public, with women found in violation of their strict regulations being disappeared, tortured, or even killed.

But despite these ongoing human rights abuses, the United Nations has agreed to Taliban conditions that no Afghan women’s rights advocates will be present during the upcoming June 30th meeting in Doha, Qatar.

But Human Rights Watch is condemning the concession, arguing that it “risks legitimizing the Taliban’s abuses and triggering irreparable harm to the UN’s credibility as an advocate for women’s rights and women’s meaningful participation.”