(VIDEO) Latest Leftist Meltdown: Justice Kavanaugh Attends a Christmas Party w/ Way Too Many Conservatives

Settle down, Francis… I mean Lawrence.
As the old formula joke goes, how to you know if Lawrence O’Donnell is lying? Simple, his lips are moving.
Hackneyed as it is, that gag really isn’t that far off the mark.
As seen in the video below, the MSNBC host railed against Supreme Court Justice Brent Kavanagh for attending a private Holiday Christmas party, hosted by Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union.
Also in attendance were the likes of Cdr. Sean Spicer, US Navy (Reserves); Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl), Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY), amongst others.
During the span of O’Donnell’s over 14-minute rant, he somehow manages to insert his personal hatred and slanders against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito.
But allow me to backtrack for a moment. The ever-classless O’Donnell also managed to get in his cheap-shots against Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas.
Who knew a Christmas party could elicit such frothing-at-the-mouth, blind, pure and white-hot hatred?
But in all fairness to O’Connell and those of his ilk, to spew venom of this caliber NEVER needs a reason… just an excuse.

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