Down to 44¢ to his Name, Hunter Biden Raids Daughter’s College Fund; Blows it on Hookers and Drugs

He likes a lot of crack.

So, what do you do when you’re down to your last 44 pennies, but your brain is still craving drugs and hookers? Simple… raid your own daughter’s college fund.

That’s exactly what First Son, Hunter Biden, did when he was notified that his bank account with Wells Fargo was essentially empty.

But as usual, the vast majority of the Western media, (AKA: “Propagandaministerium der Demokratischen Partei“) is essentially ignoring this.

As it turns out, the younger Biden snagged a cool $40,000 from his daughter Maisy’s college account, who is currently still attending high school.

Interesting that the US government isn’t investigating Hunter for stealing from his own child… or even for procuring the still illegal acts of purchasing illicit drugs or for hiring prostitutes.

The IRS sought felony tax charges against first son Hunter Biden for raiding nearly $40,000 from his daughter’s college fund and failing to report it as additional income on his 2019 returns.
TikTok/Maisy Biden

Nope. The IRS is “considering” going after Hunter because he never declared the $40k on his taxes.

As reported by Josh Christenson of the New York Post (emphasis mine);

“The IRS considered hitting first son Hunter Biden with felony tax charges over his removal of nearly $40,000 from his daughter’s college fund and failure to report it as additional income on his 2019 returns — while still using much of the windfall to pay for crack cocaine and hookers.”

“IRS Special Agent Joseph Ziegler told the House Ways and Means Committee that federal tax investigators uncovered “approximately $39,820” that Hunter Biden, now 53, looted from his high school-aged daughter Maisy’s 529 college savings plan.

“A few weeks prior, Hunter had dodged a family intervention and instead holed up in a hotel to smoke crack, according to his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things.”

After liquidating Maisy’s college savings, he went even deeper into the throes of his addiction in the coming months, sending payments to his drug dealera webcam service and prostitutes in the following weeks, emails on his laptop show.”