If You Think the Crackhead Hunter Saga is Over, Guess Again

The smartest guy that America’s Roomba-in-Chief knows.

OK, so the guy who was shitcanned from the US Navy after two-weeks for being… wait for it… a crackhead, he’s been found guilty on a handful of gun charges.

Not that he’ll do a split-second in any sort of lockdown. We all know that.

But with that aside, The Big Guy’s handlers have made the decision that Crackhead Hunter is the one who will get a closeup view of the undercarriage of the average bus.

Many of us are already aware that the First Druggie Son is next facing tax charges. So what? Nothing will become of that. He’ll end up smelling like a rose.

But mark my words, if by accident any certain judge actually does what’s right and casts Hunter into GP (General Population, AKA: “Prison“), that boy will flip faster than one of Anton Chigurh’s famed quarters.

Now, that’s just my opinion, but I base it off of two solid, well-known facts;

  1. Hunter Biden is a Biden.
  2. Hunter Biden is a crackhead.

Do we need any further information?