(VIDEO) Has NATO Outlived its Usefulness? Yes, it Has; At Least 35-Years-Ago

Let’s be honest, it was the American MASSIVE nuclear umbrella that kept most of Europe free since 1945…

Most of us have at least a ball-park guesstimate of then the North Atlantic Treaty Organization came into being by at least a year or two either way. The actual day of founding was April 4, 1949.

Wow… 75 years is a long time for the taxpayers of a certain nation to fund the lion’s share of keeping this glorified circle-jerk on life support.

As of Apr. 4, 2024, according to the reliably Left-winger propaganda rag, Newsweek magazine, Joe Taxpayer has dropped $21.9 trillion just to make most of the Europeans and (sometimes) the Canadians feel like they can hang-out with their big brother and his cool, bad-ass friends.

A whopping $21.9 trillion for a pretend army that by every metric would have ended up using nukes somewhere between day 4-6 of the Soviets and the Warsaw Pact vs. the West.

But he identifies as 175.

Especially in light that the Warsaw Pact started disintegrating back in ’89, why is NATO still a drain on the American taxpayers? Long answer, short – It’s our own fault.

We allowed this bullshit to happen.

BTW, the European Union already has their own home-grown military. Shhh… don’t let the American taxpayers know that the Europeans have already given up on NATO.

And then we get right down to it, NATO is figuratively a morbidly obese giant who’s so fat, he can’t even tie his own shoes.

Keep in mind that three member nations have nuclear arsenals (US, UK, France). Within just a few short generations from now, two of the three will be Muslim majority nations. Just what Western civilization needs… two more Islamic-jihadist nuclear armed nations.

Don’t get me started about NATO also being elevated to quasi-nation status. I’m still wondering why this alleged “military” organization has some civilian Secretary General in charge.

Shouldn’t some general or admiral be calling the shots of this whole military alliance? One would think, huh? One more thing – why do we appoint ambassadors to NATO?

But back to the question if NATO should even exist any further. Personally, I would love it if Pres. Trump would (as Kackala would say), “Re-imagine what has once burdened us all through the passage of time for those who have been burdened as once done not just yesterday, but also for today and the rest of our tomorrows starting today.

In other words, President Trump needs to re-structure and re-align our priorities of which nations would serve OUR nation’s best interests to have a mutual-defense pact… if at all.

Just me, but let’s keep it simple;

  • As previously noted, if a mutual-defense treaty with Nation X has nothing to do with America’s vital security, then they get scratched from the list.
  • Nation X must take defense seriously. Be ready to fight when things get hot. When things are cool, “Si vis pacem, para bellum.”
  • Nation X must also have a government in place that takes the global threat seriously.

    I don’t care who you are. This is a bad-ass uniform. Poland’s Honor Guard Unit.

And who says this treaty should just be Europeans? Again, just me… but here’s my top tier list;

  • Poland
  • All three Baltic States
  • Finland
  • Hungary
  • Greece
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Nationalist China (Taiwan)
  • Singapore

The B-Team (once you get your governments squared away);

  • Great Britain
  • Canada
  • Australia

Sadly, the Brits, Canuks, and Aussies were once not only reliable, but quite powerful allies that brought some first-rate warfighters to the table.

I really shouldn’t talk too much smack against these three nations. After all, the only thing lethal of the Biden military is our technology. Woke admirals and generals care more about feeeelings and pronouns than troops trained to kill bad guys.

But back to the topic at hand — if any of these previously named nations so desire to arm themselves with nukes, that’s their business.

After all, Russia certainly would think twice before puffing out their chest to the likes of the Poles or the Finns if they had a few 25 Mt. missiles pointed at Moscow and/or St Petersburg.

Another interesting point, both Poland and Finland have one million each (active and reserve) in their armed forces. The Poles and Finns have patriotic, well-trained and well-led troops. For his part, Putin’s scouring prison cells.

Meanwhile on the other side of the planet. Beijing wouldn’t be so quick to try to intimidate a nuclear armed Seoul, Taipei or Tokyo.

By the way, if you don’t think the South Koreans, Nationalist Chinese, and Japanese don’t already have nukes stashed away, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.