CNN Anchoress Attacks JD Vance’s Marine Corps Service in Iraq

Unlike Tim Walz, JD Vance really was there… 

I remember once being told that for every gunslinger in the Marine Corps, there are 11 Marines to back him up.

It makes sense. Infantry, artillery amtrackers and tanks are actually a vast minority in the Corps.

Supply clerks, engineers, cooks, truck drivers, radio operators, disbursing clerks, bulldozer operators, helicopter mechanics… and yes, combat correspondents. It takes an awful lot of support troops to ensure that the gunslingers continue to do what they do best.

For whatever bizarre reason, CNN’s Brianna Keilar decided she saw fit to attack Sen. JD Vance’s time in the Marine Corps. Especially with Tim Walz taking more and more truth bombs impacting in his AO.

Draw what conclusions you may.