Now that the 10th Amendment is finally being adhered to as the Constitution intended, Slow Joe addressed the nation today. Predictably, there was a lot of squinting, slurring and yelling.
But one interesting moment in his screed that made my ears perk-up (first video below);
“Women and girls were forced to bear their rapists child.”
Well, well… so the product of the rape isn’t just a clump of cells, but an actual child? How interesting.
The second video is from one of my favorite conservative champions, Candace Owens Farmer, absolutely and totally crushes the pro-abortion myth that it’s somehow justifiable to either burn them alive by way of a saline (acidic) abortion or hacked into small pieces during a DNC (Dilation and Curettage) abortion.
Keep in mind, both of these procedures take place when the child is capable of feeling pain.
WARNING: The third and last video is “The Silent Scream”. This video is VERY difficult to watch.