(VIDEO) Laughing It Up; American Media Looks Away as Biden Arrives Late for Queen’s Funeral

What’s so funny, Joe?

Word on the street is that Joe Biden shat himself while visiting Pope Francis. I’ve also posted in the recent past that Biden doesn’t really mind breaking wind in public.

Obviously, it makes no-never-mind to the poster boy for sharts if the future Queen Consort of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Commonwealth consisting of a handful of Ex-American atomic bomb test sites is within his blast radius.

Vincent’s actually better looking.

True to form, Slow Joe and the winner of an Alice Cooper lookalike contest managed to show-up late for the funeral of the Head of State of a nation that’s arguably America’s closest ally.

Keep in mind that every other foreign representative at the State Funeral for Elizabeth II had to endure the indignity of being bussed in, the Bidens were given a pass to roll through town in “The Beast.”

But for whatever bizarre reason, the US leftist media is barely giving this diplomatic faux pas the time of day. Shocking, isn’t it? *Sarcasm, off.*

Oddly enough, even the hard-core liberal TheGuardian.com of London took notice. I guess even lefty Brits have their limits.

As reported (emphasis mine);

He may be the world’s most powerful man but the apparent late arrival of the US president, Joe Biden, and his wife, Jill, was not allowed to disrupt the finely tuned choreography of the late Queen’s funeral.

Rather than being ushered immediately to their seats on their arrival at Westminster Abbey, the first couple, aged 79 and 71, had to be gently told they would need to stand and wait as a procession of George and Victoria Cross-holders went ahead of them down the nave of the abbey.

After an awkward period of small talk at the main entrance, as those awarded the highest decorations of military valour went ahead, the Bidens finally followed in the wake of Victoria Cross-holder CSgt Johnson Beharry, pushing the wheelchair of Keith Payne VC, 89.

The US president had been given a dispensation to make his journey to the abbey in “the Beast”, a heavily armoured limousine used by US presidents for security reasons, rather than be bussed to the abbey with the other heads of state and government.

After arriving hand in hand, the Bidens finally sat down in their places in the abbey at 10.05am. The schedule published by Buckingham Palace suggested the 500 invited dignitaries should have been seated between 9.35am and 9.55am.

Perhaps as a consequence of opting out of the buses taking other leaders from the assembly point at Royal Hospital Chelsea, the Bidens were also given seats 14 rows back in the south transept of the abbey.

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