(VIDEO) ‘Not a Joke’ – Biden’s Latest Unbelievably Jaw-Dropping Lie

When poker players figure out what physical movements their opponents send out when they’re lying, that’s call a “tell.”

For the rest of us, we call that “Figuring out the person in front of you is a shit-filled, phony son-of-a-bitch.”

The tell for Biden is whenever he prefaces another of his world-famous fairy tales with “Not a joke.”

With that said, didn’t Biden once claim that he was “Raised in the Puerto Rican community”? Yes he sure did. Amazingly enough, that was just a few short months ago.

Probably not all that amazing, Sleepy Joe is now saying;

“I may be a practicing Catholic, we used to go 7:30 am Mass every morning in high school and college before I went to the black church. Not a joke.”

How did he manage to slip out of high school and college classes to attend services at a black church?

Anyhow, I really don’t know which is more unbelievable; that Biden would even utter such a shameless lie in public, or that those in attendance on cue, all clapped like trained seals.

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