No Children… No Mother’s Day: Another Common Sense, ‘Follow the Science’ Pro-Life Argument

Interestingly enough, when the Left wanted us all to take the Fauci Ouchie, they mindlessly droned on endlessly how we all should “follow the science.”

Hmmm. A cure that doesn’t cure anything, a cure that doesn’t make you better after you’ve pumped that garbage into your veins, a cure that fails to keep you from spreading the sickness if you’ve already caught it. Good thing you jokers followed the science, huh?

Next thing you’ll want to tell be is that Lefties are so gullible, they believe that men can have periods, or that some guy sloshing his penis around in another guy’s feces-filled colon is “normal”.

But in light that Lefties need to have the obvious broken-down to the point of you having to explain things like you’re speaking to an eight-year-old, I guess I’m going to have to Big Bird it.

To the pro-death Gestapo, try not to color outside the lines. Here goes…

  • Now that I’m well into my 60s, I’m a senior citizen.
  • Before I was a senior citizen, I was simply an adult.
  • Before I was an adult, I was an adolescent.
  • Before I was an adolescent, I was a pre-teen.
  • Before I was a pre-teen, I was a child.
  • Before I was a child, I was a toddler.
  • Before I was a toddler, I was a newborn.
  • Before I was a newborn, I was a fetus.
  • Before I was a fetus, I was an embryo.
  • Before I was an embryo, I was a zygote.

At every day of my humanity, I was just that – a human. After all, I’m just following the science.

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