Thirty VERIFIABLE Lies Dropped by Biden at SOTU; Seeks Further Federalization of Every Aspect of Life

Unity or more fracturing of America?

Thank God for Shawn Fleetwood. This particular staff writer for has surely saved me a ton of time.

Fleetwood cited a full 30 lies Biden slurred during this supposed State of the Union Address.

Not only the dozens of patently bare-faced lies, but Sloe Joe managed to also villainize half of the nation’s population. Hey, isn’t the SOTU supposed to UNITE the country?

The Divider-in-Chief.

Anyhow, another no-no was him openly calling-out (attacking) the SCOTUS. Something about “The electoral and political power of women.”

What in the hell is he talking about? I guess Bejing Biden thinks the various justices will lose in the upcoming November elections, huh?

But a couple other things jumped out at me during last night’s tirade that attempted to pass itself off as a unity speech. The current occupier of the Oval Office came out strongly in favor of the following;

  • More federal tax dollars for local teachers
  • More federal tax dollars for local cops
  • More federal tax dollars for local day care programs for three and four-year-olds

I have a handful of reasonable questions;

  • Why should my federal tax dollars pay for teachers in the Portland (Oregon) Public School System.
  • Why should my federal tax dollars pay for beat cops in New York City?
  • Why should my federal tax dollars pay for day-care centers in Chicago?

Do I have any representation in Oregon, New York, or Illinois? No. No I don’t. Didn’t we once fight a war over taxation without representation?

The Chinese Resident and the Grand Cyclops, Robert “KKK” Byrd.

Anyhow, what really jumped out at me, why should my federal tax dollars pay for EV car charging stations?

Despite Biden claiming to be a capitalist, isn’t it private companies that should be building those?

Hey, dumbass… it’s the likes of Walther Electric and Solar Cellz USA that should be investing in charging stations, not the federal government. The central government shoving private enterprise aside is textbook Marxism.

I’d also like to point out that when Biden brought up that the Edmund Pettus Bridge being named after an ex-Grand Dragon of the Klan, I can’t help but wonder if Biden eulogized Pettus, too.

Lastly, Biden’s “The rich should pay their fair share” garbage is just that. Garbage.