Imagine Idiocracy having a baby with 1984.
I’d always considered myself at least a fairly well-read individual. As it turns out, I guess not.
In spite of being raised on a regular diet of George Orwell, Pat Buchanan, Aldous Huxley, Willaim F. Buckley, Ray Bradbury and Thomas Sowell, I’ll admit that Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was someone who I was only vaguely familiar with.

Other than his weird WW II flick (Slaughterhouse-5) that involved the firebombing of Dresden, time travel and some rather risqué scenes featuring a rather comely Valerie Perrin, Vonnegut actually has quite the body of work in both film and writing.
Knowing that my posts and articles are all aimed towards fellow conservatives, I ask you to invest 15-minutes into the reading of Vonnegut’s short story, “Harrison Bergeron“.
Written in 1961, Vonnegut describes a 2081 America that’s a damn sight closer than we may think.
Just to lighten the mood a bit, let’s turn this into a drinking game. Every time you hear of a certain specific in the plot (again, this was written 64-years ago)… drink.
By the time you reach the end of this mini-audiobook, you’ll be hammered.