(VIDEO) More Stalin-Style Erasure and Scrubbing of Kamala Harris’ Failures

The hypocrisy is stunning…

First things first… “Czar” has never been an official title for anyone in the US federal government.

However, presidential administrations, members of Congress, and more than a few media organizations have used this informal term going all the way back to the 1940s.

Just a few examples;

  • Sec. of Agriculture Claude Wickard named Food Czar by FDR
  • Asst. Sec. of the Air Force Trevor Gardner named Missile Czar by Ike
  • Advisor Alfred Kahn named Inflation Czar by Carter
  • Advisor Van Jones named Green Jobs Czar by Obama

I’m sure you get the picture. Suffice it to say that dozens upon dozens of DC insiders have been tagged as “Czar” for whatever the flavor of the month was.

In the meantime, try not to vomit as the media backtracks faster than Правда and ТАСС under Uncle Joe Stalin;