Remember Him? ‘American Taliban’ Lawyer Now a ‘Powerful’ New Advisor on Team Kamala

RINO Dubya Bush released Lindh from prison early…

Yeah, yeah. I know everyone deserves competent legal representation when on trial.

I also am aware that any lawyer who would represent a turncoat and a traitor would be classified by more than a few as a bottom feeder and on the lowest rung of the legal profession.

Case in point; dubbed “The American Taliban”, John Walker Lindh was captured by American forces during the Afghanistan War… while he was fighting for the Taliban.

Eventually brought back to the States, Lindh faced the following charges;

  • Conspiracy to murder US citizens or nationals
  • Two counts of providing material support and resources to terrorist organizations
  • One count of supplying services to the Taliban
  • Conspiracy to contribute services to Al Qaeda
  • Contributing services to Al Qaeda
  • Conspiracy to supply services to the Taliban
  • Using and carrying firearms and destructive devices during crimes of violence

    Lindh alongside a rare Afghan Werewolf.

Perhaps proving how screwed-up the American judicial system is, Lindh accepted a plea deal with the government on two counts;

  • Supplying services to the Taliban
  • Carrying an explosive during the commission of a felony

As previously noted, it was George W. Bush who cut Walker’s prison sentence short.

Fast forward to 2024; the Democrat heir apparent has a brand spanking new “powerful” campaign advisor to install Harris to the White House.

If anyone doesn’t realize that the Democrat Party’s ultimate goal is the destruction of this nation, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

Just so everyone knows, KNBC Los Angeles reported a piece on Lindh back in 2019;

“We are in prison due to our beliefs and the practice of our religion, not for committing any crime,” he wrote in a March 2014 letter.

He was asked whether the militant group ISIS represented Islam.

“Yes, and they are doing a spectacular job,” he wrote in February 2015, going on to say he supports their efforts. “The Islamic State is clearly very sincere and serious about fulfilling the long-neglected religious obligation of establishing a caliphate through armed struggle, which is the only correct method.”