(VIDEO) Putin Unleashes Muslim Fundamentalist Chechens on Ukraine; Ukrainian Troops Dip AK Rounds in Pig Grease

Everything old is new again. Russian President Vladimir Putin certainly is using the same bullshit reasons for his 2008 invasion of the ex-Soviet, but now the independent nation of Georgia (see trailer at end of article for “5 Days of War“.

While Georgia begged the West for help, both George W. Bush and Barack Obama sat on their hands, even when Putin loosed cutthroat Chechen Islamic fundamentalists on the civilians of Georgia.

Here it is nearly a quarter-century later, Putin’s standing military has shown their complete and total incompetence, so the Russian strongman sends in the only people who even the Russian Mafia fears; Chechen thugs loyal to Putin.

As reported by Greg Wilson of the Washington Examiner (emphasis mine);

Shocking new video shared online shows Ukraine‘s controversial Azov fighters dipping bullets in pig fat to shoot at Chechen Muslims set to invade their country on behalf of Russia.

Ukrainian women and children train to fight invaders.

The Azov fighters are linked to a neo-Nazi volunteer militia [supposedly] that became part of the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014 after Russia seized Crimea and moved into the Donbas region.

In the clip, they smear the bullets with pig fat, which would be considered unclean to the Chechen fighters Vladimir Putin’s henchman and Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov is sending in to help try to conquer Ukraine.

Nonetheless, video out of Ukraine displays troops of the much-maligned Azov Militia dipping their Kalashnikov rounds into pig grease.

By the way, the phrase “Kadyrov orcs” refers to Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechen Republic (renown for torturing and executing anyone who crosses him).

Also, “orcs” is a derogatory term loosely translated as meaning mud-dwelling sub-humans.

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