Violence in the Future? Biden Opens Fire On SCOTUS, ‘This is NOT a Normal Court’

Within the last 24-hours, there have been huge victories for conservatives, especially conservatives of faith.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the US Postal Service can’t change horses in the middle of the stream by now forcing practicing Christians to work on Sundays.

Secondly, it was ruled that artists (in this case, a web designer) cannot be forced by the government to create a work that would violate their religious beliefs.

Also ruled that RACE cannot be a determining factor in college admissions. Being poor and/or living a childhood filled with poverty, hunger, and overcoming negative (Read: Criminal) influences certainly should be considered, but simply being (insert color of skin here) is NOT a contributing factor for admission.

A real American hero, Clarence “Follow the Constitution” Thomas.

Lastly, also ruled that Joe Biden simply doesn’t have the authority to erase the student loan debt of tens of millions who purposefully took out said loans to begin with.

As anyone who even follows the news only on-the-fly already knows, Biden has consistently referred to the present SCOTUS as the “MAGA Supreme Court.” This doesn’t bode well for the physical security of the individual Justices, especially those who voted with the majority Thursday and Friday.

Evidenced in recent memory, not only has one radicalized Leftist traveled across country to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but there has also been marches of intimidation at the private homes of several Justices.

By the way, those marches at the private residences are a violation of federal law, as well as Maryland and Virginia state law. For whatever bizarre reason, said marches have been allowed in direct violation of the law.

Just me, but over this long 4th of July weekend, expect Leftist mobs to descend on the DC area. There might even be another assassination attempt.

And as usual, the police will just look the other way.

Regardless of Biden’s assertion that this SCOTUS is “not a normal court,” he must have forgotten that every single Justice has assumed their seats on the Supreme Court totally and 100 percent in keeping with the Constitution of the United Strates of America.

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