Lt. Gen. Pedro del Valle; a True American Hero, But Not for the Reasons You May Think

Lt. Gen. Pedro del Valle, USMC, American Hero.

In spite of the fact that I’m old enough to draw Social Security, I still have heroes. To be honest, I’m of the opinion that if any given individuals claim they no longer have any personal heroes, those poor souls have probably hit the highest level that one could reach in their obvious narcissism. Continue reading Lt. Gen. Pedro del Valle; a True American Hero, But Not for the Reasons You May Think

VIDEO) US Marine Corps Can’t Even Clothe Their Own Troops, But Plenty for Ukraine, Afghanistan

It’s bad enough that Slow Joe has been emptying the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (emphasis on “Strategic”), but to add insult to injury, Biden is literally taking weapons, ammunition, and a whole host of other miscellaneous and sundry military equipment out of the hands of our own troops to send to Ukraine. Continue reading VIDEO) US Marine Corps Can’t Even Clothe Their Own Troops, But Plenty for Ukraine, Afghanistan

Not Your Big Brother’s Marine Corps; Two MoH Winners Warn America that Current Commandant Committing ‘Irreparable Damage’ to Today’s Marine Corps

I’ve written before of the direction Gen. David Berger is taking the US Marine Corps. But perhaps, two Marine officers, both recipients of the Medal of Honor, have said it best.

Under Berger’s alleged leadership, the “Unites States Marines increasingly are irrelevant to the National Command Authority…”

Wow. Pretty strong language, wouldn’t you say? Continue reading Not Your Big Brother’s Marine Corps; Two MoH Winners Warn America that Current Commandant Committing ‘Irreparable Damage’ to Today’s Marine Corps

(VIDEO) US Navy Makes Allowances for Lumpier Seamen

I’m not going out of my way to take a cheap shot at one of my Sister Services. But hey, Navy… if you let your ass hang out, don’t get pissed when someone takes a chunk out of it.

Keep in mind that not only do I have friends who served in the Navy, I’m also the son of a retired CPO (Chief Petty Officer). Continue reading (VIDEO) US Navy Makes Allowances for Lumpier Seamen

Biden’s Marine Corps; Welcome to the Age of Video Game Marines

I don’t know which branch of the military these nerds are in, but I don’t trust any “Warfighter” with a moon-tan and the muscular definition of the Pilsbury Dough-Boy.

A couple of old Marine Corps sayings I’d like to share with you;

  • “The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.”
  • “You don’t have to practice to be miserable.”

Granted, the first adage is popular of the amongst the ‘Pain is Good‘ crowd, of which (at least) use to be quite few Marines, myself included.

The second quote was known to be uttered by most terminal Lance Corporals at the end of one of those nasty long-distance speed marches (AKA: “Humps“). But in all fairness, most Marines aren’t happy unless they’re bitching.

One thing I will add on as a postscript to the latter quip; “You don’t have to practice to be miserable, but you do have to practice to endure misery. Continue reading Biden’s Marine Corps; Welcome to the Age of Video Game Marines

The Death of the Corps; Commandant Fundamentally Changes the Entire Purpose of the Marine Corps

This is the useless bastard who’s destroying the Marine Corps.

Remember the good old days when the Marine Corps was the nation’s Amphibious Force in Readiness?

Getting even more basic, there was a time when the Corps referred to itself as simply America’s 911. Continue reading The Death of the Corps; Commandant Fundamentally Changes the Entire Purpose of the Marine Corps

Republic of Korea; America’s 21st Century Vassal State

Let Koreans defend Korea.

Did you know that America has roughly 23,000 troops in Korea? Digging a little deeper, did you know that the Republic of Korea (ROK or simply “South Korea”) has over four million (600,000 active, 3.5 million reserve) troops?

Now comes the crazy part – did you know that for the past 7+ decades, overall command of ALL those troops is a US Army general? Continue reading Republic of Korea; America’s 21st Century Vassal State

Gutless Commandant of the Marine Corps; $2 Million University Recommends Dropping ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’

It’s bad enough that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Millie, is the butt of every woke joke ever, the alleged “leadership” of the United States Marine Corps isn’t far behind. Continue reading Gutless Commandant of the Marine Corps; $2 Million University Recommends Dropping ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’

(Video) Latest Marine Corps Recruiting Commercial is Nothing Short of Embarrassing

Today’s new, woke Marine Corps needs you.

I recently had a rather interesting conversation with a family member who, unfortunately, has bought off on all that “Boss Chick” bullshit that Hollywood revisionists attempt to rewrite history. Continue reading (Video) Latest Marine Corps Recruiting Commercial is Nothing Short of Embarrassing