High schooler Corion Evans, 16, was in the right place at the right time for three young girls (whose names have not been released to the public) as well as Moss Point, MS, Police Officer Gary Mercer.
As it turns out, Evans was at the I-10 boat-launch in Pascagoula when he witnessed a car accidentally drive off the ramp, then a local cop dove in attempting to rescue the three girls still in the vehicle.
Despite his best efforts, Officer Mercer found himself on the verge of drowning as well.
As reported by WLOX of Biloxi, MS (emphasis mine);
A heroic Pascagoula teenager jumped into action to save four people when a vehicle drove off the I-10 boat launch into the Pascagoula River.
Authorities said the vehicle, which had three teenage girls inside, traveled about 20 feet away from shore before sinking.
“They drove straight under the water,” 16-year-old Corion Evans told WLOX. “Like, only a little bit of the car was still above the water.”
Evans said he tossed his shoes, shirt, phone and jumped in. One of his friends, Karon “KJ” Bradley, also jumped in and helped get the girls to the top of their vehicle.
“I was just like, ‘I can’t let none of these folks die. They need to get out the water’. So, I just started getting them,” he said. “I wasn’t even thinking about nothing else.”
“I was behind them trying to keep them above water and swim with them at the same time,” he said.
Evans helped bring the three girls to shore, along with Moss Point Police Officer Gary Mercer, who responded to the scene and swam out to help.
“I turned around. I see the police officer,” Evans said. “He’s drowning. He’s going underwater, drowning, saying, ‘Help!” So, I went over there. I went and I grabbed the police officer and I’m like swimming him back until I feel myself I can walk.”
Furthermore, the MagnoliaStateLive.com news conglomerate notes that no good deed goes unrewarded;
Evans, a Pascagoula High School student, said he learned to swim at age 3 and knew he had to help when he saw the car go into the water.
Evans’ heroic effort has prompted a number of residents to start a fundraising campaign to help pay for his college. He’ll be a senior in high school this coming school year.
For more on the fundraising effort, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-help-corion-get-to-college.
On a personal note, I can think of no better charity to contribute to.