(VIDEO) Pro-Life Hats; Catholic Kids Kicked Out of Smithsonian Institute

Freedom of Religion and Speech under fire. The offending hat that got a group kicked out of a federally (taxpayer) funded museum.

By now, the word is out that employees of the Smithsonian Institution berated, cussed at, then eventually kicked-out both students and adult chaperones from Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) Upper School from Greenville, SC.

It was after last month’s pro-life march in DC had concluded that the part of the contingent from Upstate South Carolina would visit the Smithsonian’s famed Air and Space Museum before all would meetup for dinner later in the evening. Continue reading (VIDEO) Pro-Life Hats; Catholic Kids Kicked Out of Smithsonian Institute

(VIDEO) Busting the Myth of ‘The Poor Teacher’: Try the Starting Pay of a US Marine

Cash in while you can, sweetie. Not long until she starts tipping the scales north of the 250 range.

I’ve read it, you’ve read it, we’ve all read it. Story after story of the Oh-woe-is-me of the now ex-teachers who were fired after choosing to sell their naked images to porn sites.

Without fail, these gals all blamed the main reason for turning to pornography is supposedly due to the pay (or lack thereof) in the teaching profession.

That got me thinking; financially, just how bad off are teachers? Continue reading (VIDEO) Busting the Myth of ‘The Poor Teacher’: Try the Starting Pay of a US Marine

Vladimir Approved; DIRECTV, Newsmax, OAN and Russia Today

Russia Today and Czar Vladimir.

By now everyone is already aware that last year, DIRECTV cancelled their carrying One America News. Again, by now everyone is already aware that DIRECTV has scratched Newsmax from their lineup. Continue reading Vladimir Approved; DIRECTV, Newsmax, OAN and Russia Today