Silencing Dissent – Belgian Conservative Convicted to Prison for Memes; Canada Considering Life Sentences for Vague ‘Hate Crime’ Laws

What happens when hundreds of thousands of jihadists are invited into your nation.

You’ve probably never heard of Dries Van Langenhove, but if you adhere to the belief of “As goes Europe, so goes the US,” you’ll certainly want to be up on the saga of Meneer Van Langenhove.

As it turns out, Van Langenhove is a Belgian politician of the conservative bend. He’s also the founder of the youth organization Schild & Vrienden (S&V), which is openly anti-open borders as well as not being exactly fond of the Muslim flood that’s swamping the Belgium kingdom.

I guess it goes without saying that Van Langenhove isn’t exactly popular with both Western media as well as the Brussels central government.

Coming as a shock to no one, Van Langenhove was just tried and convicted on charges of “racist, hateful, Nazi and negationist speech” as reported by Raf Casert of the Associated Press via ABC News.

Reporter Casert also notes, “A court in Belgium sentenced prominent far-right activist Dries Van Langenhove to a year in prison on Tuesday for running an organization that a judge said spread “racist, hateful, Nazi and negationist speech,” in a major ruling on how the nation deals with extremism.”

Dries Van Langenhove.

No… Casert is lying.

Being a member of S&V is no more illegal than being a member of the Communist Party of Belgium, or the jihad-friendly ISLAM Party of Belgium.

Van Langenhove was sentenced to prison for receiving politically incorrect memes.

As it turns out, Van Langenhove as a member of a private group on the social media platform Discord, he and a handful of others were the recipients of a handful of memes that someone else sent.

Casert slips when he accidentally told the truth in his report (emphasis mine);

“Five members of the extremist group that Van Langenhove led received suspended sentences, including two who work for the far-right Flemish Interest party, which is slated to make big gains in June elections.”

“Tom Van Grieken, the leader of the Flemish Interest party, said the ruling was proof that “Belgian justice is rotten to the core” and called the proceedings “a political trial from day one.”

“They were accused of using a chat group to exchange racist, antisemitic and other extremist comments. Van Langenhove, a former Belgian parliamentarian, also had some of his civil rights suspended for a decade, making him ineligible for office.”

Casert didn’t even cite the reaction of Van Langenhove until the end of the article (emphasis mine);

“A years-long investigation, on which the Justice Department wasted millions of euros of taxpayers’ money, shows that the … activists cannot be charged with anything other than some memes. Humor. Memes that I didn’t even post myself.”

Eva “The Milkmaid” Vlaadingerbroek. Isn’t she scary?

In the immediate tweet below, Dutch conservative activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek defended Van Langenhove.

But first, I’d like to point out that young Eva has also displayed solidarity with striking dairy farmers in the Netherlands by posing with a handful of bottles of milk.

Of course, Vlaardingerbroek was branded as a racist because she praised the health benefits of white milk.

Supporters of Van Langenhove have set-up a GiveSendGo account to raise funds for his legal defense.