Primer: They Keep Callins Us ‘Fascists’ and ‘Nazis’, But Do They Even KNOW what Fascists or Nazis Are?

ESPN names Bruce/Caitlin Jenner as Woman of the Year.

Poor Riley Gains. She was actually attacked when she went to SFSU to give a speech advocating that only biological women should compete at NCAA sanctioned sporting events.

Needless to say, she had vile things said to her, had garbage thrown at her. She was even physically assaulted.

As seen in the video below, the purple-haired freaks achieved little, other than proving how diluted and unhinged they truly are.

As we’ve all seen on numerous news clips, mobs such as Antifa, BLM, the Democrat Party, etc., have as part of their lexicon (some would say their entirety of their lexicon), the words “Fascist” and “Nazi.”

I just can’t help but wonder if they really understand the meanings of those two words?

Side note: Interesting that they never call us Communists, huh?

A quick rundown on the three types of Fascism the United States went to war against in 1941;

  • Italian Fascism: Initially founded as the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento, (Italian Combat Squads), the precursor to National Fascist Party. The government is always right. Victor Emmanuel was still on the throne, giving Mussolini a certain amount of credibility.
  • Japanese Fascism: Also known as Nationalist Shintoism. Those appointed by the direct descendent of the sun goddess, Amaterasu, are always right. The emperors and empresses have always been worshiped as divine until Japan’s defeat in WWII.
  • German Fascism: Officially titled the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). The Führer is always right. Among those who embraced the Neo-Pagan Aryanism, Hitler was elevated to god-like status.

Obviously, all three were totalitarian police states, but keep in mind that all three also allowed private ownership of property and businesses. However, the iron fist of the state was involved in every move the people… and I mean every move.

Here’s what I’m getting at; it’s the BLM, Antifa, and the Dems who are the textbook definition of what Fascists truly are.

Let’s put aside their thug tactics for a moment, and discuss economic Fascism.

Like I stated previously, the Fascists allowed private enterprise, but regulated every facet of those private enterprises.

Here are a few company names you may be familiar with;

  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Kawasaki
  • Beretta
  • Volkswagen
  • Fiat
  • Mitsubishi

All these companies (and many more) produced war goods for the Axis powers. And yes, they were all privately owned. Nonetheless, an overbearing central government where no one has a clue how to run a business is calling the shots.

Sound familiar?

Anyhow, a wise man once pointed out to me, one of those obvious points that I never really paid much attention to it until it was actually pointed out. In respect for his anonymity, let’s call him Ioannes Oppidopaludis;

“Bureaucracies never solve the problems they were created to solve. If they did, they wouldn’t have a job anymore.”

Ready to be shocked? Taken from the official government website of the National Archives, here are the federal (unelected) bureaus, commissions, and offices that in one way or another, interfere with the lives of private American citizens;

I will admit that some of you may be wondering how the Commission on Fine Arts as well as the Indian Arts and Crafts Board impacts your life, please keep in mind that their very existence depends on your tax dollars.

But back to the topic at hand. It’s pretty obvious who the true Fascists are.

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