Norlund Chapel of Emo, Ontario, Canada. Actually, the salvaged bell tower of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, which was destroyed years ago in a fire.
Oh, Canada… what the hell’s wrong with you? What used to be known as one of the politest nations on the planet, has slowly degraded to one of the worst police states on the planet.
Between Fidel Castro’s bastard son seizing the bank accounts and arresting those who dared protest his COVID shut-down of an entire nation; to the nation that’s also (in)famous for their Soviet-esque “Human Rights Tribunals” for anyone who dares to fail to tow the party line.
Speaking of Soviet-esque, the township of Emo, Ontario, Canada, (population, a whopping 1,300) has just been given notice by Ontario’s Human Rights Tribunal that for failing to openly celebrate so-called “Pride Month,” not only has the township been fined $10,000 Canadian ($7,149.50 in real money), but the town fathers must also attend court-ordered pro-homosexual “training”.

As reported by Tristin Hopper of Canada’s National Post (emphasis mine);
An Ontario town has been fined $10,000 and its officials ordered to complete mandatory “human rights” training after it refused to celebrate Pride Month.
In a decision handed down last week, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ruled that Emo, its mayor and two of its councillors had violated the Ontario Human Rights Code by refusing to proclaim June as “Pride Month.”
The town was also cited for failing to fly “an LGBTQ2 rainbow flag,” despite the fact that they don’t have an official flag pole.
Hey, who needs facts… right?
As it turns out, this entire kerfuffle came about back in 2020 when a pro-sodomy cult by the name of “Borderland Pride” fired off a letter to the township government asking/demanding they officially declare “June as Pride Month.”
One might say that the catamites have given the Emo officials “an offer they can’t refuse” as made popular by the fictional Don Vito Corleone.
Also reported by the National Post;

Attached to the letter was a draft proclamation including clauses such as “pride is necessary to show community support and belonging for LGBTQ2 individuals” and “the diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression represents a positive contribution to society.”
Borderland Pride then asked Emo to “email us a copy of your proclamation or resolution once adopted and signed.”

The Don would be proud.
The below video is the (lied to) entire Canadian Parliament (and special guest star, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, wearing his best Fidel Castro uniform) applauding a member of Nazi Germany’s ultra-Hitler-loyal Waffen SS.
Interesting that Trudeau’s staff failed to properly vet this guy. Or did they know all along?