Cuts Across the Boards; NYC Hacks Budgets or Will Fire NYPD, FDNY, Schools, Sanitation to Pay for Migrants

Sticking to his campaign promise the Big Apple “will remain a sanctuary city,” but I don’t seem to recall Adams ever promising the people of the city that in order to pay for the same illegal aliens, the legal, rightful residents will see city services slashed. Continue reading Cuts Across the Boards; NYC Hacks Budgets or Will Fire NYPD, FDNY, Schools, Sanitation to Pay for Migrants

Biting the Hand That Feeds You; Israel Pumps TENS OF BILLIONS to Palestinian Authority

Under the watchful eyes of a pair of terrorists, the PA sits around a table for no apparent reason.

As white Lefties fire-up their useful idiots across the globe, one of their favorite fairy tales is that the Jerusalem-government is dead set on keeping those under the PA (Palestinian Authority) are wallowing in abject poverty. Continue reading Biting the Hand That Feeds You; Israel Pumps TENS OF BILLIONS to Palestinian Authority

Don’t Bite the Hands That Feeds You; Israel Pumps TENS OF BILLIONS to Palestinian Authority

Under the watchful eyes of a pair of terrorists, the PA sits around a table for no apparent reason.

As white Lefties fire-up their useful idiots across the globe, one of their favorite fairy tales is that the Jerusalem-government is dead set on keeping those under the PA (Palestinian Authority) wallowing in abject poverty. Continue reading Don’t Bite the Hands That Feeds You; Israel Pumps TENS OF BILLIONS to Palestinian Authority

Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You; Israel Pumps TENS OF BILLIONS to Palestinian Authority

Haj Amin al Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem inspecting Muslim troops of the 13th Waffen SS Mountain (Handschar) Division.

As white Lefties fire-up their useful idiots across the globe, one of their favorite fairy tales is that the Jerusalem-government is dead set on keeping those under the PA (Palestinian Authority) are wallowing in abject poverty. Continue reading Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You; Israel Pumps TENS OF BILLIONS to Palestinian Authority

(VIDEO) Al-Jazeera Cuts Interview Short After Gazan Slams Hamas for ‘HIDING’ in the Hospital

Don’t you love it when the truth accidentally slips out? I know I do. Especially when the actual truth slips out when a hyper-hard-core West-hating allegedly “straight news” organization sees their narrative blow-up right in their faces. Continue reading (VIDEO) Al-Jazeera Cuts Interview Short After Gazan Slams Hamas for ‘HIDING’ in the Hospital

Media Yawns; Las Vegas White Student Beaten to Death by Gang of 15 Black Youths for ‘Standing Up for Smaller Friend’

Jonathan Lewis.

A 17-year-old boy in Las Vegas was just beaten to death by a mob of at least 15 other youths. Other than the news of the death of Jonathan Lewis being horrific all by itself, I find it at least as curious as to why the leftist media in this country is widely ignoring this. Continue reading Media Yawns; Las Vegas White Student Beaten to Death by Gang of 15 Black Youths for ‘Standing Up for Smaller Friend’

Palestinian Woman THINKS She’s Attacking a Jewish School, Actually Rams Car into Anti-Jewish, Black Supremacist Office

It’s a pretty fair bet that Ruba Almaghtheh isn’t a big fan of academic research. Let it be known that I’ve set the bar for “academic research” to include something as basic as a Google check. Continue reading Palestinian Woman THINKS She’s Attacking a Jewish School, Actually Rams Car into Anti-Jewish, Black Supremacist Office

There is NO Moral Equivalency; Not Once Since the Founding of Israel Have they Unilaterally Attacked Innocent Arabs

Bedouin Muslims as well as Circassians and Druze still openly serve in the IDF.

As usual, someone will accuse me of defending fellow Jews. Just for the record, I’m not Jewish either ethnically or religiously. Continue reading There is NO Moral Equivalency; Not Once Since the Founding of Israel Have they Unilaterally Attacked Innocent Arabs