(VIDEO) Breaking: Housing Found for the Martha’s Vinyard 50 (Not Really)

Remember when all those Third-World people thanked Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) for sending them to the Valhalla of Massachusetts popularly known as Martha’s Vinyard? Continue reading (VIDEO) Breaking: Housing Found for the Martha’s Vinyard 50 (Not Really)

(VIDEO) Biden’s Own DEA Boss Declares that Mexican Drug Cartels ‘Killing Americans’ at ‘Record Rates’

Only conquering armies march into new territories flying their own flags.
How many more innocent people have to die under Joe Biden’s watch? Seriously, the only people who refuse to admit that our southern border is de facto non-existent would be only the adamantly arrogant or the irreversibly stupid. Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden’s Own DEA Boss Declares that Mexican Drug Cartels ‘Killing Americans’ at ‘Record Rates’

(VIDEO) Laughing It Up; American Media Looks Away as Biden Arrives Late for Queen’s Funeral

What’s so funny, Joe?

Word on the street is that Joe Biden shat himself while visiting Pope Francis. I’ve also posted in the recent past that Biden doesn’t really mind breaking wind in public. Continue reading (VIDEO) Laughing It Up; American Media Looks Away as Biden Arrives Late for Queen’s Funeral

(VIDEO) What Could Go Wrong? Air Canada Buys 30 Electric-Powered Airplanes

“Mommy, isn’t that an ES-30 ? Yes, honey… quick, make a wish.”
It promptly crashed into a lake. Continue reading (VIDEO) What Could Go Wrong? Air Canada Buys 30 Electric-Powered Airplanes

(VIDEO Not the Babylon Bee: RINO Massachusetts Governor Calls out National Guard

As it turns out, precious snowflakes aren’t indigenous to only the islanders of Martha’s Vinyard.
What some are calling the Rio Grande Flu, this particular malady usually strikes in conjunction with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Cases have so far been isolated to Chicago, New York City, and Washington, DC.
More often than not, this particular sickness has only reared its head in the offices of the various mayors as well as the numerous newsrooms of the liberal media elite.
Typically contracted by liberals and their RINO allies, it appears that the RGF has just spread from Martha’s Vinyard (MV) to the Massachusetts mainland. Specifically, the commonwealth’s capital city of Boston.
Thus far, the only known cure is a full 100 CCs of MAGA.
But with all joking aside, the RINO governor of the Bay State, Charlie Backer, has called up fully 125 soldiers of the Massachusetts National Guard to (Insert task here) for the tsunami of humanity that landed recently in the uber-rich and beyond liberal community of Martha’s Vinyard.
As most are already aware, the townsfolk of MV went into complete meltdown due to the arrival of the 48-50 illegals just a handful of days ago. Perhaps the most hypocritical move by the powers-to-be would be their “humanitarian crisis” declaration when the handful of illegal aliens first breezed into town.
But first, please keep in mind that while Joint Base Cape Cod is home to a couple hundred US Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force and Canadian Air Force personnel, JBCC’s main purpose in life is as a main training facility for the Massachusetts National Guard and Air National Guard.
My point being that JBCC already has plenty of living quarters, dining facilities, recreation sites, etc. All handled by members of the local civilian work force. There simply is no need to activate 125 Guardsmen as taxpayer expense.
The second below video is from Mass.gov showing exactly how the illegal aliens in question will be living. As reported by Fox25 of Boston, the less than a platoon-and-a-half will be living in “dormitory-style” quarters at Joint Base Cape Cod.
As noted by reporter Britanny Bernstein of NationalReview.com, the small handful has been “Removed from” Martha’s Vinyard (emphasis mine);

Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker said Friday he is deploying up to 125 National Guard members in response to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sending a group of just 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.

“Our Administration has been working across state government to develop a plan to ensure these individuals will have access to the services they need going forward, and Joint Base Cape Cod is well equipped to serve these needs,” the governor said.

The national guardsmen will meet the immigrants at Joint Base Cape Cod on the mainland. Buses retrieved the group of Venezuelans from St. Andrews church in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard Friday morning, roughly 24 hours after they arrived on the island from San Antonio, Texas.

Baker, a moderate Republican, said transporting the migrants to Cape Cod was necessary because “the island communities are not equipped to provide sustainable accommodation, and state officials developed a plan to deliver a comprehensive humanitarian response.”

DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske said the migrant flights were “part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations.”

“States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies,” Fenske said.

NBC News Runs with It, then Deletes It: ‘Founding Member’ of Refugee Foundation Compares Illegal Aliens to ‘TRASH’

I realize that I’m putting the cart ahead of the horse, but if NBC Latino didn’t agree with the sentiment quoted, then why did they delete if in breakneck speed? Continue reading NBC News Runs with It, then Deletes It: ‘Founding Member’ of Refugee Foundation Compares Illegal Aliens to ‘TRASH’

(VIDEO) Shots Fired in Catholic Civil War; Bishops Openly Hammer Francis for Heresy

Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

“You can’t be Catholic and be a Democrat.” – signatory Fr. James Altman.

More than a few years have passed since I’ve attended Catholic schools. Nonetheless, the good Sisters made sure I knew that heresy, was in fact, a sin.
Not just any sin, but mortal sin. For non-Catholics, that’s the equivalent of Monopoly’s “Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.” But in this case, it’s more like “Go directly to Hell.” Continue reading (VIDEO) Shots Fired in Catholic Civil War; Bishops Openly Hammer Francis for Heresy

Spreading the Wealth, DeSantis-Style: Martha’s Vinyard Declares ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ as 50 Illegals Blow into Town

Oh, the hypocrisy is as thick as 90 weight grease. The Sunshine State’s Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has certainly kicked things into high gear.
I just wonder what he’s going to do for an encore. Continue reading Spreading the Wealth, DeSantis-Style: Martha’s Vinyard Declares ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ as 50 Illegals Blow into Town

Arizona Voter Fraud, Part II; Maricopa County Caught Tipping the Scales to Favor Democrats

Maybe I’m just jaded when it comes to supposed “Free and fair elections” here in the good ol’ US of A.
I’m of the opinion that the Democrats absolutely stole the election back in 2020. What concrete actions have there been to convince me otherwise? Not a whole helluva lot. Continue reading Arizona Voter Fraud, Part II; Maricopa County Caught Tipping the Scales to Favor Democrats

Liberal Media Slams Sweden’s Conservative Gains in Parliament as Victories for ‘Far Right-Wing’ and ‘Neo-Nazis’

How DARE they display an iota of patriotism! (Sarcasm, off)
The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) political party doesn’t hide from the fact that they consider themselves advocates of nationalism well-grounded in democratic principles as well as social conservatism. Continue reading Liberal Media Slams Sweden’s Conservative Gains in Parliament as Victories for ‘Far Right-Wing’ and ‘Neo-Nazis’