Univ. of Florida Finally Axes the ‘Karl Marx Group Study Room’, Only One Problem…

Angry that people still confuse him with Groucho.

In the mad rush to ban everything Russian, never let it be said that the University of Florida Gainsville was behind the power curve. Continue reading Univ. of Florida Finally Axes the ‘Karl Marx Group Study Room’, Only One Problem…

Bidflation: How Major Food Corporations are Legally Price Gouging You

Dear Numbskull, please get the hell out of the way. Love, the American people.

I always knew that when the economy went south, it was the consumer that inevitably took it in the shorts.

Continue reading Bidflation: How Major Food Corporations are Legally Price Gouging You

(VIDEO) It’s Time for Everyone Else to Add NUKES to Their Military Forces

A well armed society is a polite society…

I really am a firm believer that we as a nation shouldn’t turn our backs to our allies. I’m also a firm believer that the primary responsible party for any given nation’s defense is that nation itself. Continue reading (VIDEO) It’s Time for Everyone Else to Add NUKES to Their Military Forces

REPORTS: ‘Many Thousands’ of Middle-Eastern ‘Volunteers’ Headed to Russian-Backed Seperatists

So-called President of the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, Denis Pushlin (seated, blue shirt).

At least two news services, each on the other side on the globe from the other, are both reporting that upwards of 16,000 Middle-Eastern volunteers are on their way to Ukraine to fight with the invading Russians.

The El-Risala (The Message) news service of Amman, Jordan, and Breitbart.com are both reporting that not only has Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu verified that thousands of requests to volunteer to fight the Ukrainian Army, the so-called President of the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, Denis Pushlin, has stated that “thousands and thousands of volunteers are ready to come.”

Specifically, El-Risala is reporting (emphasis mine);

The President of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushlin, said that volunteers, including from the Middle East, could join the forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic in the very near future.

Pushlin said in an interview with the program 60 Minutes in Russia-1 channel (VGTRK).“There are a lot of requests from different countries. That is exactly what the president (Putin) was talking about – about volunteers from the Middle East”

These thousands and thousands of volunteers are ready to come. I do not exclude that in the near future they will be with us in the neighboring trenches, together with our units for the liberation of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as the Luhansk People’s Republic.”

Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, said that a large number of requests are received from volunteers from different countries who want to come to the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics in order to “participate in what they believe in the liberation movement.”

On the other side of the planet, Breitbart News has noted (emphasis mine);

The Russia-backed head of a separatist region in eastern Ukraine says he expects thousands of fighters from the Middle East to come to fight the Ukrainian forces.

Denis Pushilin, the head of the separatist government in the Donetsk region, said in remarks broadcast on Russian state television Saturday that “many thousands” of volunteers from the Middle East could shortly join the rebels and fight “shoulder-to-shoulder” against the Ukrainian army.

Pushilin’s remarks follow Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu’s comment on Friday that Russian authorities have received requests from over 16,000 people from the Middle East who are eager to join the Russian military action in Ukraine.

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(VIDEO) America Won’t Simply *Want* Trump in 2022, the Nation Will be Begging For Him

What I’d give for a mean tweet and $1.84 gas.

My pipe dream of a month or so ago is quickly appearing (to me, anyhow) to be a viable political objective for pro-Trump Republicans, independents, and yes… even some Democrats. Continue reading (VIDEO) America Won’t Simply *Want* Trump in 2022, the Nation Will be Begging For Him

(VIDEO) Secretary of the Treasury Warns of ‘Very Uncomfortably’ Inflation for Another 12 Months

If you think things suck now…

If you think the economy, and the buying power of your paycheck continues to swirl the drain, just wait ’till the next 12 months come to be. Continue reading (VIDEO) Secretary of the Treasury Warns of ‘Very Uncomfortably’ Inflation for Another 12 Months

(VIDEO) Biden Loses It; ‘I’m Sick of This Stuff!’ Blames Putin for His Failures

Failed Econ 101?

I was jokingly going to ask if Joe Biden has been in a coma for the past year. Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden Loses It; ‘I’m Sick of This Stuff!’ Blames Putin for His Failures

(VIDEO) So, What Exactly is a ‘Thermobaric Bomb’ that the Russians Have Been Accused of Using Against Ukranian Civilians?

Thermobaric weapon, aerosol blast, vacuum explosion, FAE bomb… call it what you want. One thing’s for sure, it’s a messy and quite painful death.

Unfortunately, most Americans really aren’t quite sure what a thermobaric bomb is. Be advised, I’m only going into a bare bones explanation, no deep-in-the-weeds chemistry or ballistics lessons. Continue reading (VIDEO) So, What Exactly is a ‘Thermobaric Bomb’ that the Russians Have Been Accused of Using Against Ukranian Civilians?

(VIDEO) Biden Ready to Fight to the Very Last Ukrainian; Slams Brakes on Poland’s MiGs to Ukraine

Ukrainian MiG-29 and two USAF F-16s.

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Biden circus is in town… and brother, this is a clown show to end all clown shows.

Just this past Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who perpetually looks like a scared cat, told the world that if the Polish government so desires to transfer ownership of their entire fleet of MiG-29s to the Ukrainians, Blinken says that as far as the US is concerned, the plan has the “green light”(see video below). Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden Ready to Fight to the Very Last Ukrainian; Slams Brakes on Poland’s MiGs to Ukraine

(VIDEO) Saudi, UAE Leaders Purposefully Ignore Biden Phone Call Request

Hello… hello? I can’t quite hear you.

Could you imagine a world leader, any world leader, ignoring President Donald J. Trump? Funny, I can’t either. Continue reading (VIDEO) Saudi, UAE Leaders Purposefully Ignore Biden Phone Call Request