Can you feel all the cultural enrichment?
I can’t refer to people from East Asia as Orientals anymore. Never mind that the literal definition of Oriental is “Of the East”. Seriously… if someone wants to refer to me as an Occidental, I promise I won’t breakdown and cry.
And things are only getting more and more confusing.
First, there was Negroes, then came Colored, then came blacks, then came Afro-Americans, then came African Americans. But to really screw me up, Blacks was back, but this time with a capital “B”. Now I hear that Colored (or some variation thereof) is back in vogue.
But I’m fairly sure that I can still refer to Mexicans as Mexicans. ¡Gracias mis amigos!
But back to my question of what the world is a POC and a NPOC? I hear-tell that if your bloodline is of;

- Any American Indian tribe from Hudson Bay to Tierra Del Fuego.
- Those who have ever lived between Cape Town and Cairo
- The Eastern Ural Mountains, all the way to the Kamchatka Peninsula.
- The Suez Canal to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific.
- Every soul from Istanbul, Turkey to Ichikawa, Japan.
- Any and all of the Aboriginal people of Australia.
- And let’s not forget the Micronesians, Polynesians, and Melanesians of Oceana.
Well, that’s pretty much everyone on the planet.
Oops… I seem to have left out those whose lineage is from the European Continent (AKA: “Bleach Demons, Milk Crickets, Children of the Chalk“, etc) in woke circles, NPOCs (Non-Person of Color).
Just so I have this straight – a “Person of Color” is every single human being on the face of planet Earth, except for those woeful Europeans, right?
Isn’t that kind of… well, racist? Especially in light that many of the so-called “POCs” have less melanin than I do.
Case in point; below are photos of Indian actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan; Japanese singer Miku Kobato; and an unknown model from Colombia.
All three have lighter skin than I do, but they’re “Persons of Color”… what color? Really white?
But wait, there’s more.
Now we see photos of four Europeans who are without a doubt much darker than the above POCs.
As seen, these individuals are decidedly olive-skinned but amazingly enough, not considered POCs. Polish model Patrycja Woźniak; a young Catherine Zeta-Jones, who’s half-Welsh, half-Irish; and lastly, two random young ladies from Spain.