“I was born a poor black child…”
The Kackle Kid is now claiming that she’s just “a Middle-Class kid.” Kind of like how Joe Biden was just a “Working-Class kid out of Scranton,” right?
Just ignore that he left Scranton when he was eight, and he went to one of the most expensive private schools in the entire state of Delaware.
Anyhow, Harris is now jumping on the “I didn’t grow-up in privilege” bandwagon.
How interesting that her narrative simply isn’t true. To be even more blunt… she’s a liar.
Coming from a family where her parents were divorced, prior to her death in 2009, Dr. Shyamala Gopalan was a research scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California.

With the exception of a handful of questionable websites, finding the archived pay scale for a scientist working for the LBNL in 2009 isn’t exactly easy to find.
The closest I could come to a solid pay range was from Salary.com. As cited, “The optimal compensation range for a Research Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is between $167,887 and $202,625.”
Granted, these numbers aren’t backdated to 2009. But when inflation is factored in, even back then, it’s roughly $140,000 (adjusted). That certainly wasn’t considered “Middle-Class.”
Let’s not forget that it’s also a reasonable expectation that Kamala’s papa (Donald J. Harris) was paying child support. He was also a tenured professor at Stanford.
According to the official website for Stanford University, a full professor pulls in somewhere between $207,000 – $245,580.
Hmmm… so when adjusted for inflation back to 1981 (when Kamala graduated high school), that was in the $150,000 ballpark.
Was someone who pulled in a whopping $8,971.20 (as a Sgt. over 4-years in service) back in ’81, 150K back then certainly wasn’t “Middle-Class.”
To go even deeper, according to the US Census Bureau, the median income in America back in 1981 was $22,390.
So, tell us again, Kamala, how you were just a Middle-Class kid.