(VIDEO) The Top Seven Songs by the Rolling Stones – According to a Not-a-Stones Fan

Other than Keith Richards have a pact with Satan, I really don’t have a problem with this particular band…

I realize that by not being a rabid fan of the Rolling Stones, some folks would consider me a heretic worthy of the death penalty. Applied very, very slowly.

So just call me old-fashioned, but the Stones haven’t had a really good album since Some Girls. But that’s just me.

Perhaps delving even deeper into my blasphemy against Mick and Friends, just look at their body of work from 1962 to date.

All their early stuff was stolen from either black Bluesmen or white Rockabilly bands. Predictably, they went into short-lived Pop phase. But thankfully, from the late 60s to the late 70s, The Stones were in icon-mode. And I mean songs that will still be popular 100 years from now and beyond.

But I have to admit that sadly, everything post-Some Girls was just diabetes-inducting sugary Pop Music. I mean painful to listen to.

But with all that aside, here’s my take on the absolute best Rolling Stones tunes ever. And I mean EVER.

Not based on any kind of metric or scientific data… just songs that flip every switch in my brain. In no particular order;