You didn’t have to point out you’re white. We get it.
I was Greg Foreman’s Youtube channel, Black Conservative Perspective, that first brought this to my attention.

As it turns out, Pres. Trump is actually following through with his campaign promises. Shocker, huh?
All those colleges and universities that have been shitting on deserving students who actually had the scores to qualify for placements and/or scholarships, but didn’t.
All in the name of DEI.
And what were the refusals based upon? Because of what their ethnic heritage happens to be.

As Foreman correctly notes, Trump never used the words “reparations” or “whites”.
But that certainly doesn’t hold people back from screaming racism… folks like Joy Reid, Don Lemon, or that self-hating white guy in the video.
If anyone has a legitimate bitch against woke universities, it’s people with family names like Nakashima or Kim or Dhanjani.
You know, cultures that actually value the benefits of education and hard work.