‘Not a Joke’: Biden Falls Asleep, Tells ANOTHER Lie to Maui Survivors

Snoozin’ with Joe. All those vacations must be kicking his ass.

I mentioned to my better-half just yesterday that the only thing worse than a liar is a liar who believes their own bullshit lies.

Much like Joe Biden welcoming home his son, Beau Biden “in a flag draped coffin,” I’m convinced that Slow Joe actually believes his own lies… and that’s a dangerous thing.

He really does believe that he graduated at the top of his class in college; he really does believe that he pinned a Silver Star to a Navy captain stationed in a combat zone; he really does believe that he was legitimately and legally elected President of the United States.

Sadly, the latest recipients of Biden’s patented lies are towards the survivors of the Maui firestorm disaster.

As seen in the video below, not only is Biden caught snoozing at a Maui memorial for the dead, injured, and displaced, he also painted a picture of a small kitchen fire in Delaware as something equal to what the people of Maui have gone through.

But before you view the video, here’s a snippet from the AP (via FireHouse.com) from back in 2004;

“Lightning struck the home of Sen. Joseph Biden, starting a small fire that was contained to the kitchen.”

“Firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke coming from the house, but were able to keep the flames from spreading beyond the kitchen, said Cranston Heights Fire Company Chief George Lamborn.”

“Luckily, we got it pretty early,” he said. “The fire was under control in 20 minutes.”

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