(VIDEO) The Time for Term Limits is NOW; Democrats Aren’t Alone, Mitch McConnell’s Vapor Lock

No… you can’t see the wheels turning.

Be it known that I have a world of respect for Monica Showalter of The American Thinker. But unlike Lefties, it really is OK for us to disagree with our fellow conservatives. Continue reading (VIDEO) The Time for Term Limits is NOW; Democrats Aren’t Alone, Mitch McConnell’s Vapor Lock

(VIDEO) The Amazing Bidentini Magically Cures Cancer, Millions Still Dying from Cancer

Hair plugs and Botox take their toll on the cranium. 

“That’s 100 empty chairs around the kitchen table.” That’s a pretty big family.

The Wizard of Odd has done it, yet again. He lying to the American people with a straight face. The truly scary part is this – at least one-fourth of the American electorate will still vote for this buffoon. Continue reading (VIDEO) The Amazing Bidentini Magically Cures Cancer, Millions Still Dying from Cancer

Navy’s Official Den Mother: What Has She Actually DONE During her Navy Career?

I’m the highest ranking officer in the US Navy, but have never sailed into harm’s way…

So, the US Navy is promoting Lisa Marie Franchetti to be the newest Chief of Naval Operations. And yeah, I’ve got a problem with that. Continue reading Navy’s Official Den Mother: What Has She Actually DONE During her Navy Career?

(VIDEO) Transgenders: The Only Reasonable Conclusion I Could Possibly Reach

Primum, non nocere (First, do no harm).

We’ve all heard the political Left try to further destroy both common sense and basic biology with their fanciful explanations of gender dysphoria not being a true mental illness. Continue reading (VIDEO) Transgenders: The Only Reasonable Conclusion I Could Possibly Reach

The US Marine Corps Isn’t as Tough as the Heavies Want You to Believe

“Let’s be damn sure no man’s ghost will ever say, ‘If my training had only done its job.'”

First things first – thank God that David Berger is no longer the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. Where Douglas MacArthur failed to kill the Marine Corps back in the late 1940s, David Berger succeeded in the 2020s. Continue reading The US Marine Corps Isn’t as Tough as the Heavies Want You to Believe

(VIDEO) The Signs are Everywhere – Even RFK, Jr. and Dennis Kucinich are Lining-Up with the MAGA Republicans

Isn’t it interesting that the guy who leads the GOP polls, the Biden Crime Family wants to jail him, and when it comes to the No. 2 Democrat, Team Biden wants to totally discredit him?

Are we winning the culture war? Not the media war (which is controlled by the Left), what I mean is this – has our Trumpian MAGA message started to seep over to the Democrats? Continue reading (VIDEO) The Signs are Everywhere – Even RFK, Jr. and Dennis Kucinich are Lining-Up with the MAGA Republicans

Medals for WHAT? White House Spox John Kirby Claims ‘Sacred Obligation’ to Provide Troops with Abortions

A waste of seamen.

I will admit that I’m unsure of who exactly is the White House spokesman, John Kirby or Cringe Jean-Pierre. Continue reading Medals for WHAT? White House Spox John Kirby Claims ‘Sacred Obligation’ to Provide Troops with Abortions

So, Who Exactly is this ‘Trump Hand-Picked’ US Attorney David Weiss?

For those of us fortunate enough to watch the House Oversight Committee investigating Hunter and Joe Biden receiving preferential treatment from both the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service, it was rather illuminating. Continue reading So, Who Exactly is this ‘Trump Hand-Picked’ US Attorney David Weiss?

Cancer or Ego? Little Jamie Tries for Sympathy with the Little Steven Look

Is that HAIR peeking out on the sides and behind his ears?

As just about every armchair politics junkie knows, Maryland’s Democrat representative Jamie Raskin has done more for scarves than Steven Tyler and Isadora Duncan combined. Continue reading Cancer or Ego? Little Jamie Tries for Sympathy with the Little Steven Look

VIDEO – Mike Pence Commits Political Suicide On-Stage; Tucker Carlson Rips into RINOs

First of all, I don’t worship at the altar of Tucker Carlson. I do agree with an awful lot of what he says, but I’ve also come close to pulling an Elvis on my big screen more than once. Continue reading VIDEO – Mike Pence Commits Political Suicide On-Stage; Tucker Carlson Rips into RINOs