Double-Vaxxed, Triple-Boosted Biden Contracts COVID for Second Time

Double-bagged for your protection.

Maybe this is just the conspiratorial part of my brain kicking-in, but when I heard Slow Joe was diagnosed with the Wuhan Flu last week, I couldn’t help but think of the death of Britain’s King George V back in the 1920s. Continue reading Double-Vaxxed, Triple-Boosted Biden Contracts COVID for Second Time

Lightfoot’s $2.2 BILLION Bribe Fails to Keep the Bears in Chicago

Arguably the woke-ist, most anti-cop mayor in the history of the Windy City, Lori Lightfoot seems to have failed in her bid to keep the NFL’s Bears at their Near South Side homefield well within the city limits of Chicago. Continue reading Lightfoot’s $2.2 BILLION Bribe Fails to Keep the Bears in Chicago

(VIDEO) Congressional Baseball Game; Classless Democrat Gives the Middle Finger to GOP Dugout

Classless pig.
So, what do you do with a jackass with four balls? Walk him, then pitch to the RINO. But in this case, the jackass was also magically cross-bred with a pig. Continue reading (VIDEO) Congressional Baseball Game; Classless Democrat Gives the Middle Finger to GOP Dugout

(VIDEO) ‘I Don’t Have Anything’ x 100; Karine Jean-Pierre’s New Catch Phrase

The White House Press Secretary and some ball-bearing admiral.
OK, we get it. You’re black, an immigrant and a lesbian. Thank you for verifying to the world that you’re little more than a diversity hire. Continue reading (VIDEO) ‘I Don’t Have Anything’ x 100; Karine Jean-Pierre’s New Catch Phrase

(VIDEO) Blinking? He Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Blinkin’ – Is Slow Joe Pumped Full of Drugs or is This a Deepfake?

Excessive botox?
Lots of the “Snarling Joe as the tough guy” images. Even more slurred words. Without fail, lots of hate and criminal accusations leveled at President Trump.
But interestingly enough, something was lacking. I think lawyers call it “evidence.” Continue reading (VIDEO) Blinking? He Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Blinkin’ – Is Slow Joe Pumped Full of Drugs or is This a Deepfake?

Whistleblowers Accuse FBI, DoJ of Covering for Hunter Biden, ‘Institutionally Corrupted to Their Very Core’

Some of us have known this for decades, but now Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has gone mainstream in his calling out both the FBI and the Dept. of Justice for their decades worth of corruption. Continue reading Whistleblowers Accuse FBI, DoJ of Covering for Hunter Biden, ‘Institutionally Corrupted to Their Very Core’

(VIDEO) Robert Kiyosaki Warns of ‘Communist’ Democrats and the Coming ‘Middle Class Revolution’

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.
In a recent interview with Rob Schmitt of Newsmax, author and entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki sounded quite the clarion call in regard to the ultimate goals of the Jackass Party as well as the Communist Chinese puppet masters pulling all the strings of the Joe Biden regime. Continue reading (VIDEO) Robert Kiyosaki Warns of ‘Communist’ Democrats and the Coming ‘Middle Class Revolution’

(VIDEO) OOPS! CBS Affiliate in Michigan Releases Election Results… ONE WEEK BEFORE THE ELECTION

With the Michigan primaries scheduled to take place next week, it only makes sense (to me, anyhow) that various local news television stations would prep various generic screenshots of how the various elections, right? That just makes sense. Continue reading (VIDEO) OOPS! CBS Affiliate in Michigan Releases Election Results… ONE WEEK BEFORE THE ELECTION

(VIDEO) Fake Nazis Make Weak Attempt to Disrupt TPUSA Event

Never trust someone who’s so gutless, they have to wear a mask.
Quite an interesting tweet sent out by independent journalist Tayler Hansen right at the entrance of the Tampa Convention Center. Continue reading (VIDEO) Fake Nazis Make Weak Attempt to Disrupt TPUSA Event

Military, DoJ, FBI: Trump Planning DEEP STATE Purge in 2024

Quite the interesting article from reporter Terresa Monroe-Hamilton of the conservative leaning news site. Continue reading Military, DoJ, FBI: Trump Planning DEEP STATE Purge in 2024