The Signs of a Brewing Civil War; Report That 1-in-179 Americans Will be Murdered

To say that America is falling apart is a massive understatement. The national economy’s a wreck. Anyone who’s paid for gas and groceries in the past year-and-a-half knows exactly what I’m talking about.
And it’s not confined to our borders. On the world scene, our allies no longer trust us and our enemies sure as hell aren’t afraid of us.
But in spite of the ever-decreasing buying power of the US dollar, there’s a new sign of the very possible shape of things to come.
Turns out that if things don’t change really soon, the chances of one in every 179 Americans will be the victims of murder will no longer be just mere conjecture, but fact.
As reported by Emma Colton of Fox News (emphasis mine);

A study examining murders in 2021 based on death certificate data projects that one out 179 Americans will eventually be murdered over the course of their lifetimes if the country’s murder rate remains at 2021 levels.

“That means if you’re in the United States, you live here, you’re born and you spend your life here, your odds of your life ending by murder are one in 179 over your life. Not over a year or any other timeframe.”

“It’s just somebody’s gonna murder you before you die of natural causes, an accident, suicide, whatever it may be,” Jim Agresti, president and co-founder of Just Facts, a nonprofit research institute, told Fox News Digital. Agresti also authored the study.

Just Facts undertook a massive project to examine how many people were murdered in 2021 after weeks of news outlets and experts reporting there is no definitive figure for 2021 murders due to newly-released FBI data for that year being incomplete and based on estimates.

The FBI switched to a new recording program at the start of 2021 called the National Incident-Based Reporting System that aims to provide a more thorough snapshot of offenses, such as what weapons were used in an incident, types of property stolen and more detailed demographic information on victims and perpetrators of crimes.

But nearly 40% of police departments nationwide did not provide complete data on 2021 crime to the FBI by the March deadline of this year.

Don’t Allow the Dems, the Media and the RINOs Brainwash You into Believing their ‘Dump Trump’ Narrative

To listen to the Establishment Media, you’d think that the “Dump Trump” movement is rampant within both the Republican Party and the conservative movement overall. Continue reading Don’t Allow the Dems, the Media and the RINOs Brainwash You into Believing their ‘Dump Trump’ Narrative

(VIDEO) More Monkey Business in Arizona; Mail-In Ballots Break Chain-of-Custody

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin

For those of you who may be unaware of it, Democrat candidate for the governorship of Arizona, Katie Hobbs, already has a day job. That would be as the Grand Canyon State’s Secretary of State. Continue reading (VIDEO) More Monkey Business in Arizona; Mail-In Ballots Break Chain-of-Custody

On This Veterans Day, It’s Men Like PFC Fenton who Deserve the Honor

Of all the powerful images to come out of WWII, from the direct hit to the USS Arizona during the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, to the US Marines raising the Stars and Stripes on Mt. Suribachi in the midst of the Battle of Iwo Jima, I think the one above is one of the most powerful photos from the war. Continue reading On This Veterans Day, It’s Men Like PFC Fenton who Deserve the Honor

BREAKING: Lauren Boebert Finally Takes the Lead in Colorado, MSNBC Laughingly Suggests Boebert Turn to Porn

While most of the national media has been ignoring Rep. Lauren Boebert’s frantic race to keep her congressional seat in western Colorado, at least a few of us have been tracking this specific race since Election Day. Continue reading BREAKING: Lauren Boebert Finally Takes the Lead in Colorado, MSNBC Laughingly Suggests Boebert Turn to Porn

(VIDEO) Like Clockwork, 20 Percent of Arizona’s Maricopa Co. Voting Machines Malfunctioning

Coming as a surprise to no one, the most populous county in Arizona is having trouble with their voting machines… again. Continue reading (VIDEO) Like Clockwork, 20 Percent of Arizona’s Maricopa Co. Voting Machines Malfunctioning

(VIDEO) Hochul Rally in NYC: White Male Democrat Chokes-Out Black Female Conservative

Remember… white conservatives are a threat to democracy. Never mind a liberal who literally drove across the entire United States to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh.

While I’m at it, never mind the liberal who literally attacked Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) with a knife at a campaign stop in Zeldin’s run for the governorship of the Empire State.

And whatever you do, you MUST forget about the Bernie Bro who opened fire at the attack on Republican US Senators and Congressmen practicing for the (at the time) upcoming official Congressional Baseball Game that annually raises thousands for charity.

By the way, did I mention the little old lady who was shot in the back by a liberal who was angered at said little old lady for passing out door-to-door pro-life voter information?

But like I said, it’s conservatives who’re the threat to democracy.

Don’t believe me? Just read any edition of the New York Times or the Washington Post. If print or digital media ain’t your thing, you can always tune into CNN or MSNBC.

In the meantime, forget what happened at a Kathy Hochul rally this past weekend in New York City.

Remember, it’s conservatives who threaten democracy… right?

(VIDEO) Creepy Joe Slurs-Out, ‘Take the Shot!’; Earn $5-$20 Off your Next Truck Store Bill

Biden posing with an equally disturbing truck.
In his never-ending quest for Americans to pump an unproven alleged “Vaccine” into their bloodstreams, he’s now counting on the gullibility of the American people. Continue reading (VIDEO) Creepy Joe Slurs-Out, ‘Take the Shot!’; Earn $5-$20 Off your Next Truck Store Bill