(VIDEO) US Constitution: Correcting What That Dumbass Purposefully Chooses to Ignore About the Second Amendment

It took me an entire 2 minutes and one second to completely destroy the false narrative of this stupid son-of-a-bitch. His words, not mine.

Please share… it would be very much appreciated. Allow me to say thanks, in advance.

US Senate: Temporarily Having the Majority, Will McConnell and the GOP Actually Use It?

Let it be known up-front, I hold zero ill-will towards Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), who recently suffered a stroke and now may be absent from the US Senate for possibly upwards of six-weeks.

I wish the man well and hope for his speedy recovery.

Continue reading US Senate: Temporarily Having the Majority, Will McConnell and the GOP Actually Use It?

‘Need to Break Down’: Georgetown University Mulls ‘Cry Rooms’ for Mentally Delicate Students Offended by Mean Law Professor’s Words and Tweets

Once one of the shining examples of the American university system, Georgetown has and still is a mere shell of the educational powerhouse it once was. Continue reading ‘Need to Break Down’: Georgetown University Mulls ‘Cry Rooms’ for Mentally Delicate Students Offended by Mean Law Professor’s Words and Tweets

(VIDEO) Freedom Convoy 2022: Canadian Member of Parliament SLAMS ‘Cut and Run’ Justin Trudeau

Representing the Manitoba “riding” (district) of Portage-Lisgar, the Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, The Honourable Candice Bergen hammered away at the still MIA Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party on Parliament Hill. Continue reading (VIDEO) Freedom Convoy 2022: Canadian Member of Parliament SLAMS ‘Cut and Run’ Justin Trudeau

(VIDEO) Phony-Baloney Biden Angry Over Cost of Insulin, Even Though He’s the One Responsible

Anger that’s as legitimate as the 2020 election.

And the Academy Award for Best Actor goes to Joe Biden for his performance in TDS: The Movie. Continue reading (VIDEO) Phony-Baloney Biden Angry Over Cost of Insulin, Even Though He’s the One Responsible

(VIDEO) ‘Cut-and-Run’ Justin Trudeau Now in Hiding from Scary Truckers

Donchya hate it when the unwashed fringe elements of society get all uppity and make you haul ass to der Führerbunker? Continue reading (VIDEO) ‘Cut-and-Run’ Justin Trudeau Now in Hiding from Scary Truckers

(VIDEO) Why German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Siding w/ the Russians Over Ukraine

Kameradin Angela in Communist East Germany.

The German leader, Chancellor Angela Merkel, has made quite clear that not only is she in favor of Western neutrality on the Ukraine-Russia stand-off, she’s made it abundantly clear she’s even against sending the Kiev government defensive military hardware. Continue reading (VIDEO) Why German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Siding w/ the Russians Over Ukraine

The Most Amazing Music Video You’ll Ever See… Ever

Belting out a tune through the weather forecast.

Even as a little kid back in the 1960s, I could never understand why my mom and big sis were fans of Hollywood musicals. The whole premise just seemed so ridiculous to me. Continue reading The Most Amazing Music Video You’ll Ever See… Ever

VIDEO – Foul Language Alert: Actress FIRED After Insulting Dead NY Cop

It’s all blocked off for one fucking cop.” – Jacqueline Guzman.

I never ceases to amaze me how cold and heartless some people can be. But when the same people take their coldness and heartlessness public, then they deserve to be flamed. Continue reading VIDEO – Foul Language Alert: Actress FIRED After Insulting Dead NY Cop

(VIDEOS) Is Fox News Cherry-Picking Angry Democrats, or Just Pointing-Out the Obvious?

Yet another fed-up Democrat.

In a rather interesting article penned by associate producer and digital reporter Teny Sahakian of the Fox News Channel, the Armenian-American journalist again proves why she’s an up-and-comer in the news biz. Continue reading (VIDEOS) Is Fox News Cherry-Picking Angry Democrats, or Just Pointing-Out the Obvious?