(VIDEO) Texas Leads the Way: Rep Mike Johnson FLAMES Biden’s Atty General Garland Regarding Son-in-Law Getting Rich from CRT’s

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), American hero.

The below video from Fox News is simply a thing of beauty. Just watching that worm Merrick Garland squirm was worth the price of admission. Continue reading (VIDEO) Texas Leads the Way: Rep Mike Johnson FLAMES Biden’s Atty General Garland Regarding Son-in-Law Getting Rich from CRT’s

Boom: Ted Cruz Proposes Liberal Strongholds as New ‘Ports of Entry’ for Illegal Aliens


Sights aimed squarely at Bernie’s, Hillary’s, and Joe’s backyard…

Ted Cruz sure does have a set of stones. With his Lone Star State simply awash with at least an additional one million illegal aliens, the good senator is obviously a fan of “turn-about is fair play.” Continue reading Boom: Ted Cruz Proposes Liberal Strongholds as New ‘Ports of Entry’ for Illegal Aliens

(VIDEO) Win-Win: Why Trump Should Jump on the Opportunity to Meet w/ Lil’ Kim

Senile pedophile in sight. Distance; 1000 yards. Bearing, 297°.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the age-old phrase “Hoisted on your own petard” dates back to William Shakespeare’s Hamlet (emphasis mine);

This oft-heard phrase owes its popularity to William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in which the titular character says, “For ’tis the sport to have the engineer hoist with his own petar[d].” (A petard is a medieval explosive. The quote implies that the engineer—the person who sets the explosive device—is blown into the air [hoisted] by the explosion of his own device.)

Today’s news coming out of the White House gives President Trump the perfect opportunity to hoist the fraudulent occupier of the Oval Office upon his own petard. Continue reading (VIDEO) Win-Win: Why Trump Should Jump on the Opportunity to Meet w/ Lil’ Kim

(VIDEO) World Turned Upside-Down: Three SF Bay Area PDs Investigating COP PARENTS for Trying to Save Daughter from Sex Slaver

Chief Bisa French, Richmond Police Department subject of criminal investigation.

Literally right next-door to the People’s Republic of Berkeley, the San Francisco suburb of Richmond is nestled in the heart of one of the most Lefticrat regions of the nation. Continue reading (VIDEO) World Turned Upside-Down: Three SF Bay Area PDs Investigating COP PARENTS for Trying to Save Daughter from Sex Slaver

(VIDEO) Biden’s {V@X} Mandate; Over 100 Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab Workers Suing

It’s blatantly obvious that Chinese Resident Chou Biah-Dung doesn’t care about servicemen, cops, fire-fighters, small business owners, farmers, ranchers, truckers… you know, the people that keep America safe and operating at least with some semblance of  normality. Continue reading (VIDEO) Biden’s {V@X} Mandate; Over 100 Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab Workers Suing

(VIDEO) Another Outbreak of #FreedomFlu: Chicago PD Union Chief Tells Cops NOT to Provide {V@X} Info to City


First were the airline pilots and air traffic controllers in Jacksonville, Florida. Then came the ferry crews and public school bus drivers in the greater Seattle area. Continue reading (VIDEO) Another Outbreak of #FreedomFlu: Chicago PD Union Chief Tells Cops NOT to Provide {V@X} Info to City

‘Amateur Hour’: Team Biden Absolutely Clueless in Fixing Supply Chain FUBAR

There was a time I considered Joe Biden’s installation to the White House as Barry Obama’s third term. Continue reading ‘Amateur Hour’: Team Biden Absolutely Clueless in Fixing Supply Chain FUBAR

Let This Sink In: Massachusetts National Guard to ‘Help Deal’ w/ 91-DIVOC ‘Challenges’ in Public Schools, Prisons

More ass than a mule farm.

Seriously, you have to just think for a moment or two before you can realize just how disgusting and overreaching this headline really is. Continue reading Let This Sink In: Massachusetts National Guard to ‘Help Deal’ w/ 91-DIVOC ‘Challenges’ in Public Schools, Prisons

(VIDEO) Give It Time; Eventually, Even Neil Armstrong Will be Villainized

Poor Christopher Columbus. All the poor guy wanted to do was find a quicker route to China, something that would have been advantageous to both the Spanish Empire as well as the Ming Dynasty. Continue reading (VIDEO) Give It Time; Eventually, Even Neil Armstrong Will be Villainized

Washington State Ferries and School Buses: Vax Mandates Trigger More ‘Sick-Outs’

Biden’s well practiced “tough guy” look.

In all fairness to that idiot Inslee, he’s just taking cues from that idiot Biden…

With the effects of this past weekend’s sick-out by pilots and air traffic controllers at the Jacksonville, Florida, international airport still reverberating as of the time and date of this article, it certainly appears as if sick-outs and work slow-downs are spreading across the nation. Continue reading Washington State Ferries and School Buses: Vax Mandates Trigger More ‘Sick-Outs’