Report: SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Went EASY on ‘Sadomasochistic’ Torture of Children — To Include ‘Infants and Toddlers’

By his own admission, Joe Biden made quite clear that instead of the most qualified judge, he would instead nominate to the Supreme Court a nominee based solely on gender and skin color. Continue reading Report: SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Went EASY on ‘Sadomasochistic’ Torture of Children — To Include ‘Infants and Toddlers’

(VIDEO) Off-Script Biden; Average American Family can Save $660 A MONTH by Switching to Windmills and Sunshine

It was classic Joe Biden. When I say “classic,” I mean he mumbled, fumbled and stumbled his way through a relatively short, televised speech. Continue reading (VIDEO) Off-Script Biden; Average American Family can Save $660 A MONTH by Switching to Windmills and Sunshine

(VIDEO) Russians Threaten Sweden w/ NUCLEAR Armed Attack Aircraft

Russian SU-27 Flanker fighter aircraft.

Technically, the Russian Federation is already in a state of war with the Kingdom of Sweden. Continue reading (VIDEO) Russians Threaten Sweden w/ NUCLEAR Armed Attack Aircraft

Punishment? Of Course Not; NC Trans Activist Medical Student BRAGS of Purposefully Injuring Patient

Could *purposefully* missing the vein be a criminal charge?

In what be at least one of the more brazen illustrations of how certain so-called “Trans activists” consider themselves literally above the rules, if not completely untouchable. Continue reading Punishment? Of Course Not; NC Trans Activist Medical Student BRAGS of Purposefully Injuring Patient

Next Bombshell? GOP Releases DAMNING Report; Biden, CDC in Bed w/ Teachers’ Union, Millions of Dollars ‘Contributed’ to Biden

Money over science, donations over the lives of children.

In a stunning article just published by Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For London’s the Daily Mail (emphasis mine), it was disclosed that the House Republicans have released that not only did teachers’ unions actually write portions of Biden’s guidance for the re-opening thousands upon thousands of schools across the nation, Team Biden not only “received millions in donations” from the unions, but also had “uncommon” links to the CDC.

As it turns out, in an interim report to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, said report clearly shows e-mails between the AFT (American Federation of Teachers), the Biden White House and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

In a statement to Fox News from Representatives Steve Scalise, Ranking Member of the Coronavirus Committee, and James Comer, a member of  the Committee on Education and Labor, it was revealed (emphasis mine) “Millions of Americans are still outraged at what these Washington Democrats put their children through, and all because union bosses demanded they keep schools closed longer.”

The joint release also stated (emphasis mine), “‘America’s children are suffering, academically and mentally, because of the Biden Administration enabled school closures. Republicans will not rest until we uncover all the facts and hold everyone accountable who was involved in holding back millions of children from having equal opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”

The timing of the statement may not be totally coincidental. As reporter Caralle noted (emphasis mine);

The report comes as President Joe Biden is preparing to make remarks about COVID-19 Wednesday as his administration launches a website aimed at helping Americans ‘adapt’ to COVID risks as they continue to decline as well as find information on mask guidelines and where to find the closest vaccines.

If the Republican accusations ring true, in spite of the Biden debacles in Afghanistan, the economy, Eastern Europe, etc., this may be the death-knell of this faux-presidency.

After all, the American people can forgive an awful lot, but accepting bribes while children died… that’s pretty much unforgivable.

Perhaps the real gut-punch in Caralle’s article was this (emphasis mine);

Last year the two largest U.S. teachers’ unions, AFT and the National Education Association, received a copy of CDC schools reopening guidance before it was released to the public.

One day before the guidance posted in February 2021, AFT’s Senior Director of Health Issues Kelly Trautner emailed CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky asking her to insert the line: ‘In the event high-community transmission results from a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, a new update of these guidelines may be necessary.’

Walensky forwarded the email to Dr. Henry Walke, the CDC’s director of the Center for Preparedness and Response.

He revised the guidance to match the AFT’s request.

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(VIDEO) Hunter Biden’s ‘Lost’ Laptop; Rep. Matt Gaetz EMBARRASSES FBI Cyber Chief

Excuse me while I whip this out…

To say that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) gave just a first-class ass whoopin’ to the Assistant Director (Cyber Division) of the FBI, Bryan Vorndran, would be an understatement of massive proportions. Continue reading (VIDEO) Hunter Biden’s ‘Lost’ Laptop; Rep. Matt Gaetz EMBARRASSES FBI Cyber Chief

Kastriertes Deutschland: Germany Outlawing Public Displays of the Letter Z

Strictly forbidden.

Nothing more than a different standard, run iof the mill leftist thugs.

First things first. Adolf Hitler and his National Socialists were anything but “Right-Wing.” Hitler and the Nazis despised… and I mean DESPISED what we as Americans cherish.

Things like democracy, individual freedom, freedom of worship, capitalism, small government, etc. Continue reading Kastriertes Deutschland: Germany Outlawing Public Displays of the Letter Z

(VIDEO) Canada’s Justin Trudeau Hammered at Euro Parliament, ‘You Are a Disgrace’

Fresh off his dictatorial victories in the once free nation of Canada, Justin Trudeau has found himself on the receiving-end of a number of blasts of free speech while attending a session of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belguim. Continue reading (VIDEO) Canada’s Justin Trudeau Hammered at Euro Parliament, ‘You Are a Disgrace’

VIDEO – Biden Tells American Troops What They Will See in UKRAINE

Ukrainian civilian attempts to stop Russian tank.

Does it EVER stop with this idiot? Without fail, Joey Hairplugs told a group of US soldiers from the 82d Airborne Division currently deployed to Rzeszów, Poland, what they will witness when they’re sent to… wait for it… Ukraine. Continue reading VIDEO – Biden Tells American Troops What They Will See in UKRAINE

(VIDEO) Yet Again, Slow Joe Embarrasses Himself on the World Stage

Coming as a shock to no one, the Chinese Resident has embarrassed himself, American troops, as well as the entire nation all in one fell swoop. Continue reading (VIDEO) Yet Again, Slow Joe Embarrasses Himself on the World Stage