Go Ahead and SUE: Va Tech Soccer Player Benched for NOT Taking a Knee

Maroon and orange, and red, white and blue.
Only recently have I become aware of Keirsten Hening’s lawsuit against the Virginia Tech women’s soccer coach, Charles Adair. Continue reading Go Ahead and SUE: Va Tech Soccer Player Benched for NOT Taking a Knee

Russian Prisoner; Who is EX-Marine Paul Whelan, and Why the US Should NEVER do a Prisoner Swap for Him

Feasting on his well-deserved Big Chicken Dinner.
The American media, left, right and center, are all referring to a certain inmate of Moscow’s infamous Lefortovo Prison as a “Retired Marine.” Some have gone as far as to call him a “Combat Marine.” Continue reading Russian Prisoner; Who is EX-Marine Paul Whelan, and Why the US Should NEVER do a Prisoner Swap for Him

It’s Official; ‘Shark Week’ Now Considered Racist, Filled with White Supremacy, Guys Named Mike

You’re gonna need a bigger brain…

Nature tells me that sharks are dangerous. Common sense tells me that sharks are dangerous. Now an Associate Professor of Biology & Geology at Allegheny College tells me that sharks are dangerous, but not for the reasons I might think. Continue reading It’s Official; ‘Shark Week’ Now Considered Racist, Filled with White Supremacy, Guys Named Mike

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact; Loudoun County School Officials ‘Failed at Every Juncture’

The cost of being woke? At least two teenaged girls.

Goodness gracious. Has it really been over a year-and-a-half since the hyper-woke Loudoun County School District (LCSD) officials threw at least two minor girls under the proverbial bus to cover for a male sexual predator? Continue reading When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact; Loudoun County School Officials ‘Failed at Every Juncture’

(VIDEO) Justice Gorsuch Slams the Colorado Gov’t Attempt to Force Christian Businessman to ‘Reeducation Program’

Wow. Just wow. Justice Neil Gorsuch just dropped a truth bomb directly on the head of Colorado solicitor general Eric Olson. Continue reading (VIDEO) Justice Gorsuch Slams the Colorado Gov’t Attempt to Force Christian Businessman to ‘Reeducation Program’

(VIDEO) Bishop Calls Out Hillary Clinton; ‘Don’t Listen to this Evil Woman’ whose ‘Lies and Immorality Need to be Silenced for the Good of Humanity’

Reliably, leftists fail to realize that Clinton’s ‘lies and immorality’ need to be silenced… not her life.

For those who’ve read my stuff with any regularity, you’ll already be aware that I have VERY little to do with what Archbishop Carlo Viganò calls “The Deep Church.” Continue reading (VIDEO) Bishop Calls Out Hillary Clinton; ‘Don’t Listen to this Evil Woman’ whose ‘Lies and Immorality Need to be Silenced for the Good of Humanity’

(VIDEO) Yet Again, Biden Thinks the Average American is a Blithering Idiot

Since the late 1960s, Joe Biden has been reliant on the taxpayer teat to make his millions. Starting out as a public defender (of course), then eventually making his way (supposedly legitimately) to the White House.
That’s right, gang. He’s drawn a government paycheck for the last 53 years. To say that this mook’s been isolated in his own taxpayer-funded bubble would be an understatement of Biblical proportions. Continue reading (VIDEO) Yet Again, Biden Thinks the Average American is a Blithering Idiot

Big, Black and Scary; Libs (Again) Promising to Outlaw ‘Assault’ Weapons

There’s been a spate of shooting as of late. Of course, the political left has their collective panties in a wad. Continue reading Big, Black and Scary; Libs (Again) Promising to Outlaw ‘Assault’ Weapons

‘Islam is a Religion of Peace’: Muslims Riot in Brussels, Celebrate as Morocco Defeats Belgium in World Cup

Armed with the Moroccan flag, another peaceful Muslim burns downtown Brussels.
As George W. Bush told the world right after the Islamist terrorist attacks on 9/11, “Islam is a religion of peace.” Not to be outdone, Barack Obama went on a world-wide tour in 2009 to apologize to the Muslim World for supposed sins committed by the United States against them. Continue reading ‘Islam is a Religion of Peace’: Muslims Riot in Brussels, Celebrate as Morocco Defeats Belgium in World Cup

(VIDEO) Joy Reid, Pro-Trans Panel Angry that ‘Non-Binary’ Shooter Pretending to be Someone He’s Not

Anderson Aldrich (left).
The hypocrisy is nothing short of world class. Between Joy Reid’s stealing Teutonic culture via her blonde wig, or “Doctor” David Johns of the National Black Justice Coalition (he has a PhD in… wait for it, sociology), the faux outrage was just over the top.
Johns gaily finger-snapping at the end of ‘Drag Queen Story Hour NYC’ singing to the kiddies, “The hair on the drag queen goes up, up, up…” was particularly vomit-worthy.
Continue reading (VIDEO) Joy Reid, Pro-Trans Panel Angry that ‘Non-Binary’ Shooter Pretending to be Someone He’s Not