(VIDEO) Ultimate White Karens Flip-Out on Maskless Black Guy in Elevator, Scream ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Him

There are Karens of varying degrees. Getting a nasty look from a hairy-legged grad student for daring to violate the six-foot imaginary COVID bubble surrounding her would be at one end of the spectrum. Continue reading (VIDEO) Ultimate White Karens Flip-Out on Maskless Black Guy in Elevator, Scream ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Him

(VIDEOS) Dear Media and Politicians, Please Turn Down the Ukraine Panic-Mongering

Ukrainian troops on review.

Is Anthony Fauci in charge of counting the noses of all the Russian troops massing at the Ukrainian border? All I hear now is that 100,000 Russians are ready to invade.

But just a few short weeks ago, the number was 175,000. Well, I guess the only real question is if all those mean Russkies are wearing one mask or two? Continue reading (VIDEOS) Dear Media and Politicians, Please Turn Down the Ukraine Panic-Mongering

Greasy, Gutless Gavin; California Governor Apologizes for Calling Train Robbers ‘Gangs’, Begs Forgiveness

As if things in the Land of Piers and Queers couldn’t get more snowflakier (snowflakesque?), the Head Snowflake himself proves just how fragile he and the vast majority of the Golden State truly are. Continue reading Greasy, Gutless Gavin; California Governor Apologizes for Calling Train Robbers ‘Gangs’, Begs Forgiveness

(VIDEO) Oh, the Irony: Taxpayer-Funded University Places ‘Trigger Warning’ on Orwell’s 1984

Marxist academics in a hard-leftist culture ruled by a totalitarian central government SLAM George Orwell. Yeah… no one saw that coming.

I just can’t help but wonder how author George Orwell might react to the recent announcement of a British taxpayer-funded university placing a so-called ‘trigger warning’ against his own anti-Big Government cautionary novel, ‘1984’. Continue reading (VIDEO) Oh, the Irony: Taxpayer-Funded University Places ‘Trigger Warning’ on Orwell’s 1984

(Video) BOOM! American Conservative Culture Finally Swinging Back

So happy and cheerful.

Today has been one helluva fruitful day. First, I started my day as usual by watching my favorite YouTube duo, the husband-and-wife team of Brad and Lex (AKA: #CouchGang). By the way, they’re also my favorite Libertarians. Continue reading (Video) BOOM! American Conservative Culture Finally Swinging Back

This is How and Why the Homosexual Community is Pushing More and More People Away From Them

The difference between acceptance and approval…

Remember back in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s when the sodomites ever-so-politely asked of normal Americans to just “live and let live,” to just accept their particular so-called “lifestyle” as normal? Continue reading This is How and Why the Homosexual Community is Pushing More and More People Away From Them

Slow Motion Trainwreck: Watch as a Diminished Joe Biden Melts Down on National TV

I realize that this is quite a tall order to ask folks to watch nearly two hours of a befuddled old man slowly self-destruct not only in front of his nation… but the entire world. Continue reading Slow Motion Trainwreck: Watch as a Diminished Joe Biden Melts Down on National TV

Violence Against Women: Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor Advocates Assault Against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema

He represents the Lollipop Guild…

Strangely enough, ex-Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, Robert Reich (all 4′ 9″ of him), has quite openly called for physical violence against the senior senator from the Grand Canyon State. Continue reading Violence Against Women: Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor Advocates Assault Against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema

Watered-Down Air Force Special Ops: Further Proof that the Fairer Sex Have Absolutely No Place in Combat

Rifle as a fashion accessory.

There are times when generalities should be an absolute. Two for-instances I’d like to raise;

  • A 13-year-old girl is enrolled as a grad student at an Ivy League school in the field of International Studies.

  • An 18-year-old male just graduated high school, but can’t even read the diploma he was just handed.

Continue reading Watered-Down Air Force Special Ops: Further Proof that the Fairer Sex Have Absolutely No Place in Combat